
The environment needed to grow winter jujube

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The environment needed to grow winter jujube

Winter jujube is a fruit of Rhamnaceae. It usually ripens in October in winter, so it is called winter jujube. It is very rich in vitamin C, is the most abundant in all fruits, not even vitamin C fruit Hawthorn. Although it matures in winter, it is extremely sensitive to the environment needed to grow. So what are the requirements of winter jujube on the surrounding planting environment? Let's take a look at it.

1. Temperature

Temperature is one of the important factors for the normal growth and development of all crops, and winter jujube is no exception. Temperature directly affects the distribution of winter jujube. It is a kind of temperature-loving fruit, although it ripens in winter, it is sown in spring and requires a higher temperature in the process of growth. It sprouts late and leaves fall early. After sowing in spring, when the temperature rises to about 14 degrees, the seeds will begin to germinate, 17 degrees will begin to branch and bud, and so on. Buds begin to appear at about 20 degrees and flowers are in full bloom at 25 degrees. It has a strong ability to adapt to temperature, can survive the winter safely at minus 30 degrees in winter, and can withstand a high temperature of 45 degrees to grow normally.

2. Humidity

Winter jujube is more resistant to waterlogging and drought, the areas with more annual precipitation can also grow and develop normally, and the stagnant water in the orchard will not die because of waterlogging for 0.5-1 month. However, winter jujube still has certain requirements for humidity in different growth stages, and the relative humidity is about 75% at the stage of pollination and fertilization at flowering stage. If the humidity is lower than 40 at this stage, it will affect pollen germination, pollination and fertilization, resulting in flower and fruit drop and yield decline. In contrast, if you encounter continuous overcast and rainy weather during the flowering period, it will also lead to the pollen can not germinate, water absorption rupture, affecting the fruit setting rate. Soil moisture will directly affect the nutrient balance in the tree.

3. Lighting

Jujube relies on photosynthesis to maintain its own growth and development, and light energy is the root of the growth of the whole tree. It is very light-loving, and the intensity of photosynthesis is proportional to the amount of light and sunshine time received by the tree. Reasonable light time can promote cell differentiation and control cell division, which is of great benefit to the nutrient accumulation and growth of trees. The fruit setting rate is also proportional to the duration of light. Lack of light will not only reduce the fruit setting rate, but also affect the root development, root dysplasia will not be able to provide water and nutrients needed by the tree in time.

4. Soil

Soil is an important medium for supplying nutrients and water needed by jujube trees. Soil fertility, permeability, pH and so on will have a direct impact on the development of jujube trees. Although the requirement of winter jujube on the soil is not strict, the saline-alkali is poor, and the barren soil can grow. However, in the fertile soil, the winter jujube tree grows tall, the root is deep and broad, the tree body is strong, and the yield is high and stable. If the soil is too barren, there is much clay, the water and fertilizer conservation is poor, and the soil permeability is very poor, it will lead to poor development of jujube trees, small dry fruit and decreased yield.

Although winter jujube matures in winter, it does not mean that its environment can be casually and then achieve high yield, because it takes nearly a year from sowing to maturity. Therefore, sowing will be carried out in spring, corresponding to the surrounding environment will also have certain requirements, to ensure the environment and nutrition needed by winter jujube, in order to achieve the goal of high yield.