
Problems needing attention in top dressing of organic fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Problems needing attention in top dressing of organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is not only an ideal base fertilizer, but also can be used as topdressing. It is the main fertilizer variety to provide nutrients during crop growth. When using organic fertilizer as topdressing, you should pay attention to the following:

Topdressing organic fertilizer in advance

It contains available nutrients, but the amount is limited. The release of a large number of slowly available nutrients requires a certain process. Organic fertilizer should be used as topdressing several days in advance.

Topdressing high quality organic fertilizer

During the period of rapid growth of crops, a large amount of nitrogen, potassium and other nutrients are needed, and the contents of nitrogen and potassium in general organic fertilizers are not high. in order to ensure the nutrient demand for rapid growth of crops, high-quality organic fertilizers with high nitrogen and potassium contents should be selected.

To formulate a reasonable distribution proportion of base and topdressing fertilizer

When the soil temperature is low, the microbial activity is weak and the nutrient release of organic fertilizer is slow, so most of the application amount can be used as base fertilizer; while when the ground temperature is high, the microbial decomposition ability is strong, if the amount of base fertilizer is too much, before planting, the fertilizer is over-decomposed by microorganisms, and the fertilizer effect is exerted immediately after planting, which may sometimes lead to the futile growth of crops. Therefore, under the condition of high temperature, it is best to reduce the amount of base fertilizer and increase the amount of topdressing fertilizer.

Proper amount of seedlings should be raised.

The nutrient requirement of crop seedlings is small, but the lack of nutrients can not form strong seedlings, which is not conducive to transplanting and crop growth in the future. Fully mature organic fertilizer, uniform release of nutrients, comprehensive nutrients, is an ideal fertilizer for raising seedlings. Generally, fully fermented organic fertilizer is added with a certain amount of grass carbon, vermiculite or perlite, and the soil is mixed evenly as a seedling substrate, and the amount of organic fertilizer can not exceed 10% of the total weight of the nutritious soil.