
Control methods of thrips insect pests

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Control methods of thrips insect pests

Thrips file with adults and nymphs to suck the juice of the young tissues (shoots, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.) of the plant, the young leaves and shoots harden and curl and wither, the plant grows slowly, and the internodes are shortened. Young fruits (such as eggplant, cucumber, watermelon, etc.) will harden after being killed, causing fruit drop in serious cases, seriously affecting yield and quality. Let's take a look at the prevention and control methods of thrips pests.

Harmful characteristics of thrips

The main results are as follows: 1. Leaf damage: after the young leaves are damaged, the leaves become thinner, gray-white or grayish-brown spots appear on both sides of the leaf midvein, the epidermis is gray-brown, deformed and curled, and the growth potential is weak, which is easy to be confused with the side polyphagous tarsal mite.

2. young fruit damage: the epidermis oil cell ruptured, gradually lost water and dried up, and the scar expanded with the expansion of the fruit, showing different shapes of cork silver-white or gray spots, but a few occurred in the waist and other parts of the fruit.

Agricultural control of thrips

1. Remove weeds and withered branches and leaves in the field in early spring, burn them or bury them deeply, and eliminate overwintering adults and nymphs.

2. Strengthen fertilizer and water management to promote plant growth and reduce damage.

3. Make use of the blue habit of thrips, set up blue sticky plates in the field to trap and kill adults, and the sticky plate height is the same as that of crops.

Chemical control of thrips

1. Rice: thiazine varieties are recommended for rice thrips, imported varieties Ruisheng 30% thiazine suspension seed coating agent, and domestic test variety Bailui 35% thiazine suspension seed coating agent.

2. Vegetables: thrips such as eggplant fruits, melons and beans are irrigated with 25% thiazide water dispersible granules 3000-5000 times to reduce the occurrence of virus diseases and the harm of underground pests. Aktai, an imported variety, is a well-known domestic breed of Dagong cattle.

3. Fruit trees: thrips such as mango do serious harm to crops. 25% thiazine spray can be used, but the use should be increased, such as 800 times spray, and can be mixed with avermectin buckets of microemulsions.

4. Tobacco: when tobacco is irrigated before transplanting or sprayed when planting, imidacloprid, thiazide and thiamethylamine can be used, 25% imidacloprid 1000 times, 25% thiazine 3000 times.

Main points of prevention and control of thrips

1. According to the characteristics of thrips lying in the daytime and coming out at night, it is recommended to take medicine in the afternoon.

2. Thrips have strong concealment, so it is necessary to choose internal absorption or organosilicon auxiliaries, and try to choose agents with long effective period.

3. If the conditions permit, the combination of chemical fumigation shed and foliar spray is suggested.

4. Thrips should be prevented in advance, do not wait until flooding before using medicine, grow vegetables during high temperature, if there is no plastic film, it is best to spray the middle and lower parts of the plant and the ground at the same time, because these places are the habitat of thrips nymph.