
How to raise a gentleman's orchid? Simple encounter of these problems can solve the problem of maintenance.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to raise a gentleman's orchid? When we are in the maintenance of magnolia, we often encounter a lot of problems. Today, the editor has summarized a lot of common problems in the maintenance of magnolia, which are listed in the form of questions and answers for your reference.

How to raise a gentleman's orchid? When we are protecting the magnolia, we often encounter a lot of problems. Today, the editor has collected a lot of common questions about the maintenance of the magnolia, which are listed in the form of questions and answers for your reference. If you encounter the following problems can be solved, raising the orchid will become very easy.

The first cultivation problem

Q: how do you water the magnolia? How often is it watered?

A: as we all know, the root system of Cymbidium is relatively developed and can store a certain amount of water, so it is more resistant to drought, but it can not be seriously short of water. Generally, the orchid is watered once a day and watered in the morning. Cymbidium follows the principle of "dry and wet".

Q: how do you fertilize the magnolia?

Answer: gentleman orchid is a kind of flower that likes fertilizer, but it is not good to apply too much fertilizer, too much fertilizer will lead to rotten roots or scorched symptoms. Change the base fertilizer every two years, topdressing bean cake fertilizer or bone meal fertilizer once a month.

Q: how to choose the soil of Magnolia?

Answer: the gentleman orchid likes the fertile, loose, good drainage soil, the general nutrition soil on the market is used to cultivate the gentleman orchid.

Q: what is the suitable temperature for magnolia?

Answer: the growth temperature of Cymbidium is 1525 degrees.

Q: how do orchids breed?

Answer: the reproduction of Cymbidium is generally divided into plant reproduction and sowing reproduction. Adult orchids generally grow some sprouts every year. In general, when the orchids grow three or four leaves, they can be transplanted separately.

Q: what are the benefits of pouring beer with magnolia?

Answer: pouring beer to Cymbidium can promote its metabolism; in addition, beer contains nutrients such as sugar and protein, which can promote the growth of Cymbidium to a certain extent.

The second problem of diseases and insect pests

Q: what if the gentleman orchid is sick?

Answer: there are three common diseases of Cymbidium, namely, white silk disease, anthracnose and soft rot, prevention and control methods, give ventilation and good light growth environment. If the precursor of the disease is found, it can be treated with carbendazim.

Q: what about the rotten roots of a gentleman's orchid?

Answer: there are many kinds of rotten roots, such as too much watering, diseases and insect pests, excessive fertilization, etc., but no matter what kind of cause, we should take timely treatment measures for gentleman orchid. Treatment method: clean the root system, reduce the rotten root, put some carbon ash on the wound, replace the basin soil, and use the new nutritive soil. 90% rotten roots are caused by watering and fertilization.

Q: what if the leaves of Cymbidium turn yellow?

Answer: the delivery of Cymbidium leaves is generally caused by improper daily maintenance and management, check whether the root system has rotten root phenomenon, and if so, deal with it according to the rotten root treatment method of the previous day. Usually pay more attention to the maintenance skills of Magnolia.

Q: what if there are bugs on the orchid?

Answer: the most common pest of the orchid is the beetle. If the number is small, it can be crushed directly. If the number is very large, it will be killed by spraying dichlorvos EC.

The third category of other problems

Q: a gentleman's orchid is taboo?

Answer: gentleman orchid cannot be placed on the balcony, fengshui can not be placed on the back of the coffee table, porch, bedroom.

Q: what is the gentleman's orchid language?

A: it is noble and has the air of a gentleman.

Q: where is the origin of Cymbidium?

A: Africa

Q: when is the florescence of Cymbidium?

Answer: it can blossom all the year round, usually in spring and summer.

Conclusion: the above is the FAQ of the gentleman orchid collected by the editor. if there are any questions that the editor has not included, you can perfect and supplement them in the message area for everyone to learn, make progress and grow up together. I would like to thank the flower friends who have left a perfect message.