
Five ways for Xiaobai to murder succulent plants to see how many you have used

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is the pursuit of every meat friend to raise succulent plants well and out of state. Looking at all kinds of succulent plant gods constantly posting photos of each other, including small exquisite life, novice friends are really envious, determined to raise.

It is the pursuit of every meat friend to raise succulent plants well and out of state. Looking at all kinds of succulent plant gods constantly posting photos of each other, including small exquisite life, novice friends are really envious and determined to raise their own delicious meat. But the result is not very good, watching their own flesh change into a dish, or even die, self-confidence is also a little less, feeling that he has become the executioner of the murder of meat. So what exactly is the problem? Let's find out the reason for the exquisite life.

1. Improper watering

Watering succulent plants is an eternal topic. The most common mistake made by novice friends who have just entered the pit is "watering frequently". Succulent plants do not need as much water as other ordinary plants, because the native places of succulent plants are mostly areas with dry and low water environment, and in order to adapt to the environment, the succulent plants go in and out of the stems and leaves that can store water. So watering too frequently is against the growth habits of succulent plants. Knowing the above knowledge, some novice friends choose not to water the succulent plants for a long time, resulting in a lack of water to dry the meat.

So how on earth do you water succulent plants? In fact, the time of watering cannot be judged by the point of time. Here's a tip: when you observe that two circles of leaves of succulent plants become soft and wrinkled from the bottom up, it's time to water them, and try to water them on a clear and windy night. Never water them at noon when the sun is at its most poisonous. The principle of watering is to water thoroughly.

2. Improper lighting

Some friends like to keep succulent plants in the office and next to the computer. as a result, the meat grows into bean sprouts because they can't see the sun. Succulent plants need plenty of light, and only with enough light can they grow healthily and then come out of state. However, some friends are also exposed to the sun directly in the hot summer, resulting in the meat being sunburned to death.

Sunlight is actually a double-edged sword for succulent plants. Plenty of sunlight can make meat very healthy, but excessive exposure will only kill meat. Therefore, the hot summer, the need for appropriate shade to succulent plants. In addition, newborn seedlings and fresh meat need to be maintained in scattered light for a period of time and then gradually let the meat receive more light until normal.

3. Poor ventilation

A good ventilated environment is one of the key factors for the growth of succulent plants. There are a small number of meat friends, in order to be beautiful, will use a glass cover to cover the meat, as a result, the meat is not long dead. If the growing environment of meat is not ventilated, not only the water in the basin soil can not volatilize and transpirate in time, resulting in rotten roots, but also the humid environment is also a paradise for pests and germs. Therefore, if you want meat to live healthily, you must try your best to ventilate it. It is even necessary to turn on an electric fan in a sultry summer.

4. Diseases and insect pests

As mentioned above, poor ventilation can lead to meat diseases and insect pests. Here diseases and insect pests are two concepts: diseases and insect pests.

Fungal infection is the main cause of succulent plant diseases. Especially the humid and hot summer is the most active season for fungi, which is one of the reasons for the difficulty of succulent plants in summer. In order to prevent diseases, mix some carbendazim in the pot soil when you put it on the basin, and irrigate the meat with carbendazim mixed with water every once in a while; if there is a fungal infection, you should first isolate the diseased meat in time so as not to infect more succulent plants. then decisively remove the diseased part and re-send the root to the basin.

On the other hand, the insect pests of meat are mainly scale insects. In order to prevent scale insects, it is also recommended to mix the potted soil with some flower protection gods when potting. If a small number of scale insects are infected, you can try to stab to death with needles one by one. If there is too much infection, use Huasheng to irrigate the roots with water and spray the leaves on both sides.

5. Excessively beheading and rolling leaves

Decapitation and leaf insertion of succulent plants are common forms of reproduction of succulent meat. In order to breed succulent plants, or pursue the effect of multi-headed or old stakes, some meat lovers excessively cut off their heads and leaves. If it is in summer, this operation will leave wounds on the meat. Germs happen to invade the succulent plants along these wounds, even if they do not die.

The above are the five most common reasons why succulent plants cannot live. I hope meat friends can pay attention, correct their mindset and accumulate experience. Rookies can also become a god sooner or later!

Small exquisite life collation release, hope to be helpful to you.