
These flowers are really good to see a flower blooming for three months to see if you have any?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Of course, the happiest thing about growing flowers is that they bloom. A single flower can make flower friends happy for several days. However, for most flowers and plants, a single flower does not bloom for a long time, and most of them thank you in a few days. So do you have a lot of regrets when the flowers fade? ...

Of course, the happiest thing about growing flowers is that they bloom. A single flower can make flower friends happy for several days. However, for most flowers and plants, a single flower does not bloom for a long time, and most of them thank you in a few days. So do you have a lot of regrets when the flowers fade? There is a kind of flowers and plants, the bracts of flowers are leathery, keep fresh for a long time, will not fade for a long time, a single flower for a long time, if you like to enjoy flowers, bring a pot to your home!


Bloom for half a year


golden lotus banana

The golden lotus is designated as one of the "five trees and six flowers" by the Buddhist monastery. it is said that the golden lotus will be born at every step when the Buddha was born, that is, the golden lotus. There are Dai legends, Buddha lecture, talked about the wonderful place, "hype, the earth is full of golden lotus." This is the kind of flower we are talking about.

The flowering period of Jinlian in Diyong is longer, which can reach about 250 days. Six bracts in a whorl, terminal or axillary, glittering in shape like petals, layer upon layer gradually unfolded from the bottom up, just like a blooming lotus flower, fragrant, tender, petite, yellow and green, wrapped in bracts. First flowers and then leaves, suddenly emerged from the ground when flowering in early spring, quietly blooming, surprising, so there is the name of "Di Yong Jinlian".

Most flowers win with beauty, fragrance and color, while Diyong Jinlian overwhelms Qunfang with strange. it not only has a huge Corolla, but also has a more amazing place: when it grows exuberantly, it can also produce a large number of small flowers in the leaf axils of the pseudostem, forming the spectacle of "all the stars holding the moon".

Di Chung Jinlian likes to be warm. If the temperature is below 0 ℃, the aboveground part will freeze. Like fertile and loose soil. Easy to transplant. Most of them are born on mountain slopes or planted in gardens. Watering should be dry and wet during the growing season, and thin pancake fertilizer and water should be applied about once or twice a month.

The three seasons of spring, autumn and winter are cultivated in the sunny place, and the sunshine intensity is strong around noon in summer and early autumn, so we should pay attention to proper shading. Keep the room temperature above 6 ℃ in winter and control watering. Due to the rapid growth of Jinlian, the basin needs to be changed once a year in spring.

Diyong golden lotus is the flower with the longest single flowering period. generally speaking, it is more planted in the south, Yunnan, Taiwan and other places, and it is planted in the north in winter. Diyong Trollius can be used as medicine and has the effect of astringent hemostasis. Many Yunnan flower friends have come to stew soup.

Imperial flower

The imperial flower is very popular in the flower market in recent years, and the big flowers are very conspicuous. The imperial flower, also known as Putya flower, is the national flower of the Republic of South Africa. The emperor flower is huge, the flower shape is strange, magnificent and colorful, noble and elegant, known as "the king of flowers". The undefeated imperial flower, known as the richest and most magnificent flower in the world, represents exuberant and tenacious vitality, and symbolizes victory, consummation and auspiciousness.

Even if the imperial flower is dead and withered, it also maintains the dignity of the "king", bright colors and complete flower patterns, so that it has no appearance of dilapidated flowers. It is known as withering but not withering, withering but not wilting.

Emperor flowers like warm, slightly dry and sunny environment, not cold-resistant, should be cool water, avoid stagnant water, require loose and well-drained acid soil, the winter temperature is generally not lower than 7 ℃, some varieties can tolerate 0 ℃ short-term low temperature. The soil of the seedlings needs to be well drained. During the growing period, it needs cool and dry climate in summer, proper shade in hot sun, suitable growth temperature of 27 ℃, and warm, sufficient sunshine and slightly higher air humidity in winter.

Emperor scented tea is made from dry flowers and has the effects of promoting digestion, relaxing nerves, sweating and diuresis, lowering blood pressure, reducing cold and fever, relieving nasal mucositis and throat pain, preventing arteriosclerosis and so on. Take 10 tablets when brewing, and add honey appropriately when drinking. Drinking king scented tea can improve insomnia and is suitable for drinking before going to bed.

Torch ginger

Torch ginger, also known as porcelain rose, Philippine wax flower, the color will not change after blooming for a month. The first blooming flowers of torch ginger are like torches, full of vitality and movement; the flowers in full bloom are dignified and beautiful and full-bodied.

Torch ginger is fond of high temperature and humidity environment, the suitable growth temperature is 25-30 ℃, growth stagnates when it is lower than 15 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. Torch ginger is strong in nature, easy to cultivate, extensive in management, lax in substrate selection, and generally suitable for its growth in loose loam. However, its good growth requires that the slightly acidic sandy soil rich in humus is the best. Torch ginger likes the sunny environment, and the designs and colors are bright when there is plenty of sunshine. However, its vegetative growth is not demanding on light. In the semi-shade environment, the plant can still grow normally and grow tall, but the light is too weak, the plant is fragile and easy to lodge.

Isn't it a beautiful color? It will eclipse the other flowers.

Anthurium andraeanum

The above several kinds of flowers may have a smaller appearance rate, in fact, there is another kind of flower in our life, that is, the single flowering period of Anthurium andraeanum is also very long, so it is not a problem to bloom for more than a month.

Anthurium is also called flower candle, the shape is unique, the leaf is emerald green, the fiery red Buddha bud inflorescence is placed on it, the yellow spike inflorescence is embedded in that fiery red, and the flower, like its name, is as beautiful as a candle. The collocation of red palm and green is eye-catching, and the fiery red color has a festive atmosphere. So doing weddings and opening ceremonies all like to buy something to dress up, which indicates that life is prosperous and career is booming. The flower language of Anthurium andraeanum is to show great ambition, enthusiasm and blood. Such a good moral undoubtedly adds to people's love for it.

Red palm sex likes warm, hot, humid and well-drained semi-overcast environment, afraid of drought and strong light exposure, the growing season should be shaded by 60-70%. If the light is too strong, the leaves are easy to burn and scorch, the leaves are dim and lose luster; the long-term light is too dark, the plant growth is not strong, and it is not easy to blossom. The suitable daily temperature for growth is 261-32 ℃, and it should be heated in winter if the indoor temperature is lower than 14 ℃.


Many orchids bloom for a long time, so when you go to the flower market, the flowers of these orchids are always very beautiful. Among the orchids, Phalaenopsis is the most famous. Phalaenopsis is a perennial evergreen epiphytic herbaceous flower of the family Phalaenopsis. Because its flowers are shaped like butterflies and have butterfly-like beauty, they are named Phalaenopsis. There are many varieties of Phalaenopsis, the flower shape and color are varied, the flower posture is very beautiful, and it is deeply loved by people.

The thick white air roots of Phalaenopsis are exposed around the leaves, which not only absorb nutrients in the air, but also grow and photosynthesis. During the Spring Festival, Phalaenopsis plants draw long pedicels from their leaf axils and blossom like butterflies, which are favored by flower fans and are known as the "queen of foreign orchids".

Phalaenopsis likes high temperature, high humidity, ventilation and semi-overcast environment. The overwintering temperature is not less than 15 degrees. Because Phalaenopsis was born in the tropical rain forest, it likes to be warm and afraid of cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 18-30 ℃, and it will stop growing below 15 C in winter, and it is easy to die below 10 ℃.

The single flowering period of Aristolochia is the same as that of Phalaenopsis, which can be up to 2 months, and the flowers of Aristolochia are very beautiful, with gorgeous patterns and elegant colors, look different, and Aristolochia has a different charm.

Good luck

Hongyun is a kind of ornamental pineapple, whose flowers bloom at the top or middle of the plant, with luxuriant leaves and red colors. The leaves are broad-band and dark green. It is precisely because the top of this pineapple plant is covered with red flowers, so it is named by the idiom "Hongyudang" to express good luck.

Hongyun prefers warm and humid environment, the suitable growth temperature is 21-28 ℃, and the highest temperature can not exceed 35 ℃. Under 10 ℃, it is easy to cause plant growth retardation, leaf or bract turning red, white discoloration and so on. The air humidity should be high, generally 75-85% is better, when the plant growth is less than 50%, leaf shrinkage, curl and other phenomena occur.

Should be more ventilated, watering for 2-3 days of fresh water is appropriate, and watering should be watered in the plant 'cup' shape, not directly in the flowerpot matrix, even if the substrate in the pot is dry, if there is water in the leaf cup, the plant still grows well, but if there is only a high humidity in the basin soil, and there is no water in the leaf cup, the plant is lifeless, leaves are prone to yellowing and other adverse reactions.

If you like flowers, buy pots at home.

As long as the maintenance conditions are not suitable, it is too much.

You can enjoy the flowers for several months!

If you like growing flowers, try it!

Show it to the flower friends who need it.