
Gardenia can simply raise these four tips, one pot alive and one pot alive.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The effect of vinegar is not small, drop a few drops in the soil, gardenia used to rub long! Soil: cultivation of gardenia requires acidic and breathable soil. Lighting: ensure that there are more than six hours of astigmatism every day. Temperature: it is not resistant to cold.

The effect of vinegar is not small, drop a few drops in the soil, gardenia used to rub long!

Soil: cultivation of gardenia requires acidic and breathable soil. Lighting: ensure that there are more than six hours of astigmatism every day. Temperature: it is neither cold nor heat-resistant, and the most suitable temperature is fifteen to twenty-five degrees. Watering: it likes to get wet and needs to be watered two or three times a week.

1. Soil

Gardenia is an acidic plant, acidic soil is more suitable for its growth, so when raising it, we should often test the soil PH value, the value of more than 7 is alkaline. If the soil is alkalized, measures should be taken to mix the soil with rotten leaf fertilizer or a few drops of vinegar, all of which can change alkaline soil into acidic soil.

Second, lighting

Gardenia is a semi-shade plant and needs a certain amount of light. It is necessary to ensure six hours of astigmatism every day to avoid direct light. Direct sunlight will cause its leaves to turn yellow, buds falling and so on, so we must pay attention to it.

Third, temperature

The temperature suitable for the growth of gardenia is above 15 degrees and below 25 degrees. When the temperature is high, you should move the gardenia to a cool place, or spray it with water to cool it. When it is low temperature, you should pay attention to help it keep warm. If it is a potted plant, you can move it to a warm place. If gardenia is planted outdoors, it can be covered with straw, wrapped in plastic wrap and other ways to help gardenia keep warm.

Fourth, watering

Gardenia likes to be wet rather than waterlogged, so water it more, but the amount of watering should not be too much. It is best to water two or three times a week, each watering can not let stagnant water in the basin, its root system is meat root, stagnant water will affect the root absorption of nutrients, affecting growth. In addition to watering, it is also necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves of gardenia every morning and evening. the finer the water droplets, the better, which is easy to absorb.