
The six kinds of flowers that the rich are raising, the more they raise, the better their fortune will be.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The "rich" are raising "6" flowers, the more they raise, the more prosperous the "fortune" will be! Flowers can cultivate sentiment, flowers can purify the air, flowers can beautify the room, flowers can attract wealth and happiness! In our lives, we often can.

The "rich" are raising "6" flowers, the more they raise, the more prosperous the "fortune" will be!

Flowers can cultivate sentiment, flowers can purify the air, flowers can beautify the room, flowers can attract wealth and happiness! In our life, we can often see and hear some flowers with very auspicious names: rich bamboo, wealth tree, money tree, money string, peace tree, good luck, copper grass and so on. I don't know whether they can get rich, rich, safe, good luck, but at least hearing these names makes people feel happy.

The six kinds of flowers shared with you today, as the representative flowers of prosperous wealth and Nafu, the wealth trees, money trees, rich bamboos and so on that we can see every day, they all belong to thriving plants, and they are "rich" flowers. the more they are raised, the more prosperous their fortunes are, and they can attract wealth and receive happiness.

1. Rich bamboo

Hearing the name Fugui bamboo, many flower friends will like it, it means auspicious, rich! Rich bamboo is not only a good meaning, but also very easy to raise flowers. If the rich bamboo is inserted into a bottle with water, it can grow lush and luxuriant.

Culture method: rich bamboo is suitable for hydroponic culture, which can grow very well if inserted into the water. Like to grow under scattered light, family breeding rich bamboo is most suitable to be placed in the porch and the living room. Maintain in water, clean and easy to operate! Change the water once a month, after each change of water, plant leaves can be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution to supplement foliar fertilizer, you can choose one day a week to put the rich bamboo on the balcony with good ventilation and lighting to promote growth.

Make a fortune tree

Rich tree, reading this name every day makes you feel good. The implication of the rich tree: to attract wealth and treasure, it is very popular in the south of our country. It is a common family flower. The plant type is large and small, and you can choose it according to your own breeding conditions.

Breeding method: maintain the rich tree, remember one thing: less watering. Many flower lovers say that their rich trees have rotten yellow leaves and roots, mainly due to frequent watering. The rich tree is a kind of drought-tolerant flower. Make sure the soil is dry before each watering. The sturdy trunk of the rich tree is rich in nutrients. Even if the soil is dry, it can grow normally. Family breeding rich tree, put in the living room is the most suitable, spacious, bright, ventilated, suitable for its growth, need to replenish fertilizer twice a year in summer, you can choose compound fertilizer

Money tree

The leaves of the tree are as round as copper coins, and the whole plant is like a string of copper coins hanging on it, which is very joyful! The tree of money means splendor and wealth. Attracting wealth and treasures is not only a common flower in the family, but also a decorative flower within the enterprise.

Breeding method: money tree is very easy to raise, is a succulent root plant, plant shade tolerance, suitable for indoor, put in the living room is the best position. In the maintenance of the money tree, it is necessary to control watering, dry and wet, do not accumulate water in the basin. Foliar fertilizer potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied in summer to promote its growth.

Good luck

The head of good luck has the beautiful meaning of gathering wealth and accepting happiness, and there are red flowers on the top of the plant, so it is affectionately called "good luck", which is very festive and elegant.

Breeding method: Hongyun is the first small and medium-sized flowers, easy to maintain, plants like scattered light, ventilated environment, so it is more appropriate to put it in the high place next to the living room TV. An important point in breeding is to control watering. Remember not to accumulate water in the basin every time, so as to avoid rotting roots, and the rest will be maintained normally.

Peace tree

Ping an tree, which means safety and health, is a common woody plant in the family. The plant is tall and tall, suitable for display in the living room. Indoors, it is best to put it near the balcony because it likes the light.

Breeding method: ping an tree likes a well-ventilated and well-lit environment, which is very important. The requirements for fertilization and watering are not high. Yellow leaves and fallen leaves are easy to appear in the process of breeding, mainly due to poor ventilation.

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