
Methods of hydroponic culture of ivy

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hydroponic ivy is best to use twigs with air roots, inserted into a transparent container to take root. Change the water every 2-3 days, the water quality should be clean enough, and let it be exposed to scattered light, usually to avoid the strong noon sun. Change the nutrient solution every 2-3 weeks during growth, as long as you are careful not to touch the root system of the plant when changing water or nutrient solution.

First, the branches take root by inserting water

Hydroponic ivy try to choose the method of water insertion of branches, its new roots will be very good-looking, and there will be no root damage. The cuttings with air roots will be sent to a transparent container, do not put too much water, about 10 days to take root.

Second, change water frequently

The most important thing in aquaculture is to change the water frequently, usually once a day or two, and the water should be clean enough. Be careful not to touch the roots of the plant when changing water. In addition, the rotten roots should be trimmed off while changing water.

3. Proper lighting

It is a plant that likes shade. When hydroponic, do not let the sunlight shine directly. It is best to give it scattered light or proper shading. Usually can see the sun in the morning and evening, at noon to avoid the sun, it will grow better in the light of scattered light.

Fourth, add nutrient solution

The nutrient solution needs to be added properly during its growth, and the nutrient solution is generally changed every 2-3 weeks. Be careful not to put too much nutrient solution, and be careful with the root system when changing the nutrient solution.