
Send a friend a pot of flowers, unexpectedly cured her depression, do not see regret!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Huahua recently saw a story about a Hubei girl who suffered from mild depression because of pressure from work and life. Her friend sent her a pot of flowers. Miraculously, as the flowers grew and blossomed, her depression was gradually cured.

Parents send it, Fuze is thick and prosperous.

1. Happy tree

Happiness tree shape beautiful, tree shadow whirling, meaning happiness auspicious, Fuze Mianhou, to parents, can increase blessing Tian Yun!

2. Rich bamboo

Rich bamboo should have the beautiful meaning of flowers blooming and wealth, bamboo newspaper peace, ornamental strong, can bring wealth to the family, very suitable for parents!

The old man sent it to the basin, healthy and longevity

1. Pine and cypress bonsai

Pine and cypress bonsai, vigorous and powerful, evergreen, send the elderly, there is a good meaning of longevity.

2. Longevity flower

Longevity flower long flowering, meaning good luck, longevity, is the ideal choice to send the elderly elders, placed in the bedroom, there is a strong air purification capacity.

Friends send it, friendship lasts forever

1. Clivia

Clivia elegant plant type handsome, modest posture, a gentleman's wind, to a friend, a symbol of its elegance as a gentleman!

2. Wenzhu

Wenzhu is also a very elegant plant, not only can Wang academic, Wang career, but also enhance the popularity of friends, give friends more appropriate.

Lovers send it, love is happy

1. Rose

Rose symbolizes love, courage, hope and happiness, the most suitable for the lover around, create a happy atmosphere of life!

2. Calla lily

Calla lily symbolizes holy and devout love, and gives it to lovers. It has a beautiful meaning of eternal unity.