
Is the kitchen too greasy in summer? Keep it in the basin, absorb all the oil smoke, grab a handful and cook...

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The temperature has been so high recently that Huahua is too hot to cook! However, his mother had a good idea for Huahua. She wanted to raise a few pots of flowers in the kitchen. Not only could they absorb the oil fumes and make the kitchen cleaner, but they could also cook with a handful of them at will, giving Xia Tian a refreshing taste!

Amaranth is kept in the kitchen, and summer salad is the most delicious!

The weather is hot recently, does everyone feel that they have lost their appetite? It would be better to raise a pot of amaranth in the kitchen. When you have no appetite, grab a handful of it and wash it. It's refreshing and delicious, and it will make you have a big appetite.

How to plant it?

1. First prepare a basin of loose and breathable nutritious soil, pour it thoroughly until water flows out from the bottom of the basin, then sprinkle the bought amaranth seeds directly on the basin, and finally cover a thin layer of soil, which will sprout in about 5-7 days.

2. If you want amaranth to grow up as soon as possible, you must ensure sufficient light, pay attention to not watering too much, and make the basin soil a little drier, so that the amaranth can grow bigger and bigger. In about a month, the planted amaranth will grow up! Such a big pot of red and green is so refreshing in the kitchen!

3. I can't help it, so pick a handful of amaranth and wash it cleanly, whether it's stir-frying or adding some spring onions, ginger, garlic and other seasonings in a cold pot, the taste is super delicious, and people still want to eat after eating this meal!

Raise onions in the kitchen, pinch a handful of fresh and delicious!

Usually go to the vegetable market to buy home onions, basically with roots, we might as well raise a pot at home, not only fresh air, but also when cooking, the taste is also very good!

How to plant it?

1. The green onions bought from the vegetable market are cut off from the root system up to about 4cm and set aside.

2. Prepare the loose and breathable soil, plant the onion with roots, water it once and put it on the balcony. The summer weather is hot, basically it only takes a week to sprout, and half a month can basically grow up!

3. When the spring onions are ripe, you can pick a handful of them directly, put them in when cooking soup, or pinch a spring onion leaf to make a scrambled egg. The spring onions I planted on the balcony are natural and healthy, and they taste delicious!

4. If you don't want to eat green onion leaves, you can wait a little longer, dig the spring onions out of the flowerpot, wash and cook directly, which is also great!

Raise mint in the kitchen to clear away heat and soak up water to drink!

Recently, the weather is so hot that it has reached 40 ℃ in some places. in order to prevent heatstroke, we can choose to keep a pot of mint in the kitchen, which is not only green when cooking, but also can clear heat and relieve heat!

How to maintain it?

1. If you keep a pot of mint in the kitchen, remember to put the mint near the kitchen windowsill in a well-ventilated place and take it to the sun at an interval of one week to prevent the leaves from yellowing.

2. You must remember to water more. Under the premise of ensuring that there is no stagnant water in the basin, water should be watered about once a day, or 1-2 times a day. Don't let the mint dry because of lack of water.

3. When you want to make water to drink, pick a few tablets, throw them in the water, or soak with the tea, wait about 10 minutes, and then you can drink the cool mint tea!

The kitchen grows potted thyme, cooking stew tastes delicious!

I usually want to cook a meal at home, but I am a rookie cook. What should I do? Why not raise a pot of thyme in the kitchen? with the help of thyme, please climb another tall building with the help of thyme.

How to maintain it?

1. Prepare loose and breathable soil and sow the bought thyme seeds directly. In about 5 days, thyme will sprout. Can also directly pinch a branch cuttage, the survival rate is also very high.

2, usually let thyme bask in the sun, it is more drought-resistant, usually to see the pot soil completely dry before watering, do not cause rotting roots because of stagnant water.

Thyme leaves can be used as seasoning. Whether you are roast steak or pork, or stir-fried vegetables, you can put a few thyme leaves to taste delicious!

Grow cilantro in the kitchen and cook soup!

When it comes to the most divisive condiments, it must be coriander! For those who like it, the taste of parsley is super delicious, but for those who don't like it, the taste is really unbearable!

How to plant it?

1. If you want to grow cilantro in the kitchen, you can choose to buy some coriander seeds to sow, or you can sow with the coriander root bought from the market, so the survival rate will be slightly higher.

2. Put the planted parsley in a well-lit place on the kitchen windowsill, and be careful not to let the pot soil dry. it will only take half a month to see the parsley grow up and burst!

3. Pinch down a few pieces of ripe parsley and throw them in directly when cooking soup, or cut up and eat them when you want cold dishes in summer. It's delicious!