
The name of this flower was too scary. When it bloomed, one couldn't even look away!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, He knew that the Creator was very magical, but he still had to sigh. The forest was big, and there were all kinds of flowers! Huahua has recently been frightened by a group of flowers with a very scary name. What do these flowers look like? Now I will introduce them to you one by one!

Human Blood Grass--Could it suck blood?

Human Blood Grass didn't suck human blood. On the contrary, once its stem was cut off, it would bleed bright red juice, just like human blood. That was why it was called Human Blood Grass.

Although the name was scary, the real Human Blood Grass looked like this:

It's so small and fresh, it's so cute!

Human blood grass not only grows fresh and lovely, but also can stop bleeding, cure bruises, so say, people can not judge by appearance, flowers can not "appearance name"!

Ghost blow job--haunted at night?

Ghost flute stem is hollow, in the breeze blowing, will issue a deep melodious sound, like flute, so called ghost flute, birds listen to its voice will become very happy!

Although the name of the ghost flute was very strange, its appearance was still acceptable. It was a traditional Chinese medicine that could treat rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, edema, and irregular menstruation in women.

Flowers of the underworld--they don't grow in the netherworld, do they?

The Flower of the Underworld was also called Ghost Grass. Goosebumps rose when one looked at its name. In many novels, it was deified as an immortal grass that could bring back the dead!

It looked like a fairy, but it still looked like a flower blooming in hell. In fact, most of it grew in the dark and damp dead leaves!

The flower of the Underworld is as thin as cicada wings and crystal clear, so it has a very immortal name, called Crystal Orchid ~

Queen of Cliffs

Cliffs Queen, strange and beautiful, the earliest is long in the cliffs, so called Cliffs Queen.

Its leaves have a layer of white fluff, as soft as velvet, orange kaleidoscope hanging down like a string of small bells, now there are many flower friends at home to raise this flower.

Ghosts--what can ghosts do about it?

There was also a name called Lang Ma, which was domineering enough! This flower generally grows in the mountainside, in the shade of the rock crack, visible its tenacious, ghosts can not claim its life!

Gui Jianchou is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, the scientific name is Gui Jian Caragana, which can dispel wind and dissipate heat, and remove moisture ~

Devil's Hand--Will it catch children?

The Devil's Hand was a bright red flower. It was slender and sharp like a finger, and it made people's hearts stand on end.

It's so weird, scared, please raise your little paws, let me see you!

Friends, have you seen these flowers?

What other weird flowers have you seen?

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