
When does lavender blossom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lavender usually blossoms between June and August, but it can bloom better if it is well taken care of during the flowering period. Properly water the potted soil during the flowering period to make the soil dry; keep it in a place where there is enough light to maintain it; the temperature should be suitable, preferably from 26 to 32 degrees; and add fertilizer, but do not apply nitrogen fertilizer.

First, flowering time

It usually blossoms from June to August. If the place where it is cultivated in summer is cooler, there will be a lot of flowers, and if it is well maintained, the flowering period will be longer.

II. Flowering maintenance

1. Proper watering

It likes cool places, and the pot soil had better be dry, so you can't water it too much. The specific watering time can be determined according to the drying condition of the basin soil, if it is dry, it will not be watered, and when watering, we should be careful not to pour water on the leaves to avoid diseases.

2. Sufficient light

It likes to enjoy the light, so it can grow better, so try to keep it in plenty of light, but don't expose it to the sun.

3. The temperature is suitable

It can withstand not only low temperature but also high temperature, but not more than 40 degrees. The most suitable temperature for growth is between 26 and 32 degrees Celsius.

4. Replenish fertilizer

Many plants cannot be fertilized during flowering, but lavender can be applied with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during flowering to increase flowering quantity and supplement nutrition, but not nitrogen fertilizer to prevent overgrowth of plants.

5. Pruning branches

During its flowering, its branches should be pruned properly, mainly those that do not grow well and bloom less, so that other stout branches can get more nutrition and blossom more.