
What if the triangular plum only grows leaves but does not blossom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are many reasons why triangular plum only grows leaves and does not blossom: if it is caused by lack of light, it is necessary to increase the light and receive 8 hours of sunlight. If the growth space is insufficient, it should be replaced with a flowerpot suitable for plant size. If it is caused by improper management of water and fertilizer, it is necessary to water less and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering. If the branches are too dense, it is necessary to cut the branches in time.

First, increase the light.

Reason: triangular plum is able to withstand high temperature, if the usual maintenance environment is too dark, its leaf color will become light, but also there will be fallen leaves do not blossom phenomenon.

Solution: appropriately increase the light time, receive at least 8 hours of sunlight every day. Usually can be placed on the balcony with light for maintenance.

Second, change the basin in time

Reason: the root system of triangular plum is very developed, and it grows very fast. If the pot is not changed, it will be very difficult for its roots to grow normally, which will cause only leaves but no blossoms.

Solution: according to its growth, change into a flowerpot suitable for plant size in time, and the pot should be changed in spring as far as possible. If the plant grows fast, the pot can be changed twice a year.

Third, control water and increase fertilizer

Reason: if too much watering before flowering, it will affect flower bud differentiation; in addition, if the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is too large, it will also lead to no flowering or less flowering.

Solution: reduce watering before it blossoms and wait for the leaves to wilt. At ordinary times, we should apply less nitrogen fertilizer, but apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to help the plant blossom better.

4. Pruning branches

Reason: if the branches are too tight during the growth period, it will consume more nutrients. If it is not pruned in time, it will affect flower bud differentiation and it will be difficult to blossom.

Solution: in the process of growth, the overdense branches should be thinned in time, and the diseased branches and dead branches should be cut off together.