
What if the big leaf green apple leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, There are many reasons for the yellowing of green pineapple leaves: if the temperature is too low, it should be maintained in a warm place. If it is caused by improper watering, it is necessary to control the amount of watering, there can be no stagnant water in the basin soil. If it is caused by lack of light, it is necessary to let it accept scattered light. If it is caused by a large amount of fertilizer application, it is necessary to increase the amount of water to replace the new basin soil.

1, adjust the temperature

Reason: The environmental temperature of breeding big leaf green radish should not be too low, too low temperature will make it enter dormancy state, and the self-protection behavior of the plant itself will make the leaves yellow.


When the temperature is too low, it needs to be maintained indoors or in a higher temperature place, giving it a growth environment of about 20 ° C. When the temperature is low, you can cover it with a thin film, which can increase the temperature.

2. Reasonable watering

Reason: If the amount of watering is always too much or too little at ordinary times, it will appear yellow leaves for a long time.

Solution: usually need to control the amount of watering, pot soil can not appear cracks, also can not appear ponding. If there is ponding in the basin, it is necessary to shoot out excess water in time. If the basin soil is dry due to less watering, gradually increase the watering amount.

3. Increase light

Reason: Big leaf green dill suitable for growth in the back of the sun environment, if the usual maintenance environment is too dark will make the leaves of the plant yellow.

Solution: properly let it more sun exposure, it is best to accept scattered light exposure, usually to avoid strong light exposure.

4. Reduce fertilization

Reason: If the amount of fertilizer is too much at ordinary times, there will be too much nutrition, which will burn the roots of the plants, resulting in yellow leaves.

Solution: Remove plants from pots and replace them with new soil; or water more to drain excess fertilizer.