
What if the leaves of gardenia turn yellow and have spots?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, There are many reasons why gardenia leaves are yellow and spotted: if it is caused by discomfort in the light, it needs to be maintained in a sunny place and shaded when there is a hot sun. If it is caused by long-term improper watering, it is necessary to control the amount of watering, there can be no excess stagnant water in the soil. If it is caused by too much fertilizer, it is necessary to water more to dilute the excess fertilizer and apply thin fertilizer diligently.

1. Proper lighting

Reason: gardenia is a sunny plant, if it grows in a dark environment without light for a long time, the leaves will gradually turn yellow, or even fall off; if exposed to the hot sun for a long time, the leaves will also turn yellow and there will be spots.

Solution: at this time, it needs to be moved to a sunny place for maintenance, when there is a hot sun in summer, it should be shaded, or transferred to a cool astigmatism.

2. Appropriate watering

Reason: improper watering for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow and spotted. If it is overwatered, the root system will rot easily and the leaves will gradually wither and yellowing.

Solution: usually too little water slowly increase the amount of water, if the amount of water is large, then suspend watering for a short time, and keep it in a well-ventilated place for maintenance, and reduce the amount of water after it resumes growth.

3. Scientific fertilization

Reason: usually apply too much fertilizer or lack of fertilizer, there will be this phenomenon. Usually, if there is a large amount of fertilizer, there will be fertilizer damage, the roots will be burned, and the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: if there is a large amount of fertilizer, then more watering, so that the excess fertilizer diluted as soon as possible, such as leaves to restore normal maintenance, usually fertilization should be thin fertilizer diligently.