
What if the leaves of hydrangea are yellowing and the edges are dry?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Hydrangea leaves yellow edge dry for many reasons: if too much or too little watering, the need to control the amount of water, can not appear stagnant water. If it is caused by unscientific fertilization, it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently, and a large amount of fertilizer should be watered to dilute the excess fertilizer. If it is caused by improper lighting, it is necessary to let it receive enough light, and shade measures should be taken in summer.

1. Appropriate watering

Reason: Hydrangea likes wet growth environment, if the pot soil is too wet or too dry, its leaves will appear yellow and dry phenomenon, serious will also lead to leaf shedding.

Solution: watering should be appropriate, there can be no excess stagnant water in the basin soil, if the amount of watering is too large, it is necessary to do a good job of drainage. Air drying can properly spray water to the blade or around, which can increase air humidity.

II. Scientific fertilization

Reason: if you fertilize too much at ordinary times, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage, the roots of the plant will be burned, and the leaves will dry up with yellowing. However, do not do not apply fertilizer for a long time, the lack of nutrients leaf color will also appear the phenomenon of leaf yellowing.

Solution: the amount of fertilizer should be controlled, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, and if the amount of fertilizer is too large, pour more water to dilute the excess fertilizer.

Third, reasonable lighting

Reason: hydrangea likes semi-shade, if you put it in a dark environment for a long time, it will have no way to carry out photosynthesis, and the leaves will turn yellow. It can not be exposed to the sun, if there is no shade in summer, its leaves will yellowing, the edges will become dry.

Solution: generally to let it receive enough light, summer to avoid strong sunlight, can be kept in a cool place to maintain. If it is caused by growing in the dark for a long time, let it bask in the sun.