
What if the leaves of night incense turn yellow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many reasons for the yellowing of night incense leaves: if it is caused by unreasonable watering, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist and loosen the soil with a large amount of water. If it is caused by lack of light, you need to receive more light, do not be exposed to the sun in summer. If it is caused by improper fertilization, it is necessary to apply fertilizer once in 15-20 days in the peak growth period to control the amount of fertilizer application.

1. Proper watering

Reason: If night primrose is in a long-term stagnant environment, it will have oxygen deficiency, which will lead to yellowing of leaves; if the pot soil is dry for a long time and is in a state of water shortage, the leaves will also turn yellow.

Solution: usually watering amount should be controlled well, to keep the pot soil moist state, pot soil can not have excess water, soil can not appear hardening phenomenon. If the watering amount is large, it is appropriate to loosen the soil and place it in a ventilated place for maintenance.

2. Increase light

Why: night primrose grows poorly and leaves turn yellow if it is grown in a place where there is no light.

Solution: It needs to be exposed to sunlight during maintenance, especially in winter, and try to receive all-day light. Usually to be placed in the light, but in summer when the sun is very strong, need to do a good job of shade, do not be exposed to the sun.

3. Scientific fertilization

Reason: If the amount of fertilizer is too large at ordinary times, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage, the root system of the plant will be burned, and the leaves will turn yellow; if the fertilizer is deficient for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow because they cannot absorb nutrients.

Solution: control the amount of fertilizer and fertilizer frequency, growth period every 15-20 days fertilizer is good, frequency is not too high. If the amount of fertilizer is large, pour more water or sow rapeseed. After the seedlings grow, they can be pulled out to consume excess fertilizer in the pot soil.