
The four stunts of growing flowers can raise a big flower ball with one trick.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the saying goes, it is necessary to "cut flowers in seven parts and cut them in three parts". When you encounter problems such as growing and crippling flowers, growing branches and leaves, not blooming, and so on, you can use a trick to solve them-- "cut it off and start all over again." not to mention, the effect is really good! Pruning has four skills, which are divided into.

As the saying goes, it is necessary to "cut flowers in seven parts and cut them in three parts". When you encounter problems such as growing and crippling flowers, growing branches and leaves, not blooming, and so on, you can use a trick to solve them-- "cut it off and start all over again." not to mention, the effect is really good!

Pruning has four skills, which are divided into "picking heart", "picking leaves", "wiping buds" and "topping".

Petunia pick more flowers as they pick their hearts.

1. Heart-picking effect

Coring can prevent apical dominance, promote lateral branch germination, make plant type plump and bloom a large number of flowers.

Dwarf, geranium, longevity flowers and other flowers, pick the heart repeatedly during the growth period, you can create a beautiful big bouquet!

2. Heart-picking skills

1. Pick the heart for the first time: when the seedlings grow 6-8 leaves, you need to pick the heart, remove the top, and keep 4 leaves.

2. Pick the heart again: petunia, periwinkle, Marguerite and other grass flowers go through 2 or 3 times of heart picking before flowering, and after blooming once at the end of summer, you can also pick the heart, adjust the plant type, and after picking the heart repeatedly, you can develop a big bouquet!

Pick a leaf for the flower and turn yellow if you don't get sick.

1. Leaf picking effect

In the process of plant growth, the leaves will be more and more dense, picking leaves is conducive to ventilation and light, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, but also save nutrients and promote the growth and development of new leaves and flower buds.

2. Skills of picking leaves

1. Picking old leaves: Jasmine and Milan grow strong and have luxuriant branches and leaves. While sprouting and blooming, they also continue to form dark green and dull old leaves. They should be removed in time to save nutrients.

2. Picking yellow leaf diseased leaves: during maintenance, yellow leaves and diseased leaves should be removed at any time to reduce the infection of diseases and insect pests.

3. Picking leaves when transplanting: when the plant is transplanted, part of the leaves should be removed and the lower leaves should be removed as far as possible to reduce water evaporation so as to facilitate survival.

Rose sprouts, blossoms big and gorgeous

1. Sprouting effect

The stem base of summer rose, chrysanthemum and other flowers is easy to sprout adventitious buds and disturb the plant type, which should be erased in time. Its function is similar to that of thinning buds, which can concentrate the supply of nutrients and make the flowers large and colorful.

2. Sprout wiping skills

1. Get rid of accessory buds: after rose cuttings, at least 3 buds appear at one bud point. In order to concentrate nutrients, the medial buds and cross buds should be pinched out.

2. Remove weak buds: when the branches are not strong enough and the bud points are too dense, the weak buds should be pinched out and the distance between the bud points should be controlled above 5cm.

The gentleman orchid trims the root, the longer the stronger.

1. Root trimming effect

Summer high temperature and humidity, the gentleman orchid is very easy to rot roots, change the pot to trim the roots in time, cut off the old roots, rotten roots, promote the new roots to germinate, the plant is strong!

2. Root-trimming skills

1. Take off the basin: when the soil is semi-dry, take the magnolia with the soil, take it out of the flowerpot, and then gently shake off the soil, be careful not to hurt the root system.

2. Pruning: rinse the roots with clean water and cut off rotten, old and overgrown roots.

3. Disinfection: put the pruned roots in 500-fold carbendazim solution, soak for 30 minutes, and then put them in a cool and ventilated place to dry.

4. On the basin: re-change the soil and plant, the soil uses the mixture of rotten leaf soil and coarse sand, add a few grains of charcoal to increase the air permeability, pour water once after the basin, ventilation and astigmatism maintenance.

Pruning more than these four tricks, daily maintenance, but also at any time to cut off long branches, tangled branches, diseased branches, weak branches!

Flower friends, have you all learned?

See if your flowers need to be cut.

If you have any questions, remember to send a picture and ask Huahua.
