
About 15 days a year this holiday is available to many people, but most people do not know and dare not invite.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Recently, Sichuan and Henan provinces have respectively introduced or revised the "one-child care leave", a policy involving only children and their families has been implemented in nine provinces across the country. However, the reporter's investigation found that the implementation effect of the holiday.

Recently, Sichuan and Henan provinces have respectively introduced or revised the "one-child care leave", a policy involving only children and their families has been implemented in nine provinces across the country. However, the reporter found that the implementation effect of the holiday is not entirely satisfactory, do not know, do not dare to invite, can not invite the phenomenon is prominent. What on earth is the reason why this policy has been hanging in the air? How many hurdles do you have to go through when the nursing leave is put into practice?

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15 days of paid nursing leave a year

It looks beautiful.

Although the comprehensive second child era has come, the only child and family are still a huge group in our country. Statistics from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences show that as of 2010, the total number of only children in China is about 145 million, and the number of people living in one-child families is nearly 450 million. The first batch of only-child parents are now in their sixties, and only-child families are facing increasing nursing pressure.

In order to better protect the rights and interests of the elderly, nursing leave has been defined in nine provinces, including Fujian, Guangxi and Hubei, in the form of local legislation or administrative rules since the first nursing leave was introduced in Henan in 2016.

The reporter combed and found that nursing leave in various places is usually about 15 days. At the end of July this year, Henan amended the relevant regulations to change the length of nursing leave to "not less than 20 days." Sichuan, Hubei, and Heilongjiang also give non-only children nursing leave of not more than seven days a year, and their wages and benefits remain unchanged during the accompany period.

In addition, the conditions for only-child leave vary from province to province.

The premise of Henan only child taking leave is that the elderly are required to hold the honor certificate of only child parents.

Sichuan, on the other hand, stipulates that the only child's leave should meet the condition that "the elderly cannot take care of themselves during the period of hospitalization".

Guangzhou also stipulates that only-child parents are required to meet the requirements of "over 60 years of age" and "during the hospitalization period".

Although the rules and regulations are different in different places, the society generally "likes" the introduction of nursing leave. Some regional offices for the elderly and protection groups for the rights and interests of the elderly believe that the holiday not only contributes to the formation of a social atmosphere of respect for the elderly, but also plays a positive role in promoting the awareness of young and middle-aged people to take the initiative to pay attention to the elderly.

In order to make nursing leave more operational, the relevant regulations of Fujian Province have set up the corresponding legal liability; in Hubei, the relevant policies have also improved the social insurance, social welfare, social assistance and other social security policies for the elderly.


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It is difficult to take a holiday.

Although this policy is generally accepted by the society, the reporter found that the effect of its implementation is not satisfactory, and some companies and individuals have made it clear that they "do not know about nursing leave." The person in charge of human resources in a technology limited company in Hubei said frankly, "it is really not clear that there is such a regulation, and no one has asked for leave in the name of one-child care leave."

Some eligible only children said they did not dare to invite them. In the view of Ms. Xie, who works in a private enterprise in Fuzhou, this holiday is "paid nursing leave for the only child of government organs and institutions." Liu Juanjuan, an employee of a private enterprise in Zhengzhou, said that there are still some public holidays that are not guaranteed. I dare not extravagantly ask for only one-child nursing leave. If this kind of holiday is only a requirement of principle, it is estimated to be in vain. "the boss doesn't like it, and you don't dare to take it if you can."

Because it is not a national policy, some only children are faced with the problem of "not being able to hire". Guo Zhanping, director of the Comprehensive Department of the Fujian Provincial Office for the elderly, said that nursing leave is currently implemented only in a few provinces, and there are no relevant provisions in the laws at the national level. as a result, some elderly people are not entitled to leave if they work in provinces where there are regulations and where only children work in provinces where there are no relevant regulations.

From the jubilation after the introduction of the nursing leave to the disappointment of listening to the thunder but not the rain, many only children complain that the holiday is only a "paper benefit". However, the reporter learned that various localities have issued documents to promote the implementation of policies many times. For example, the Hubei Provincial working Committee on ageing has issued notices to provincial organs directly under the provincial government, institutions of higher learning, and the aging work departments of large enterprises and institutions. Interviewees believe that there are mainly the following reasons for the fact that this policy has not yet been really implemented in many areas:

-- Supervision is not clear. The civil affairs department of Guangdong Province said that the Office of the elderly is responsible for the refinement of policies, and the specific implementation and supervision should be the labor supervision department. The reporter's investigation found that the Hubei Provincial people's Congress and the provincial government will clearly carry out law enforcement inspection, in addition, some provinces have not carried out law enforcement inspection on the implementation of the holiday.

The punishment is not clear. Guo Zhanping said that the holiday virtually increased the labor costs of enterprises, and even some enterprises refused to implement the relevant provisions on the grounds that the relevant provisions were not specified. Liu Junhai, a professor at the School of Law at Renmin University of China, believes that there are no penalties for enterprises to violate the regulations, which to a certain extent contributes to the illegal behavior of enterprises.

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Promote policy landing:

Both encouragement and punishment

Experts interviewed believe that in order for more only children to enjoy holidays in accordance with the rules and regulations, more protection is needed from the aspects of policy refinement, incentive and implementation.

First of all, the policy should be further refined to ensure that there is evidence for the implementation of nursing leave. Guo Zhanping suggested that we should make unified and detailed regulations on the confirmation of the identity of the only child, the hospitalization of the parents, and how to calculate the time on the way for the only child from other cities to ask for leave. Liu Junhai believes that after local laws and regulations have been implemented for a period of time, their effects can be evaluated and legislated at the national level.

Secondly, study and formulate relevant tax and subsidy policies. Yu Dandan, a lawyer at Beijing Dacheng Law firm, believes that it is very important to eliminate or reduce the cost increase caused by the implementation of nursing leave, and relevant departments can make up for the additional labor costs of enterprises by means of tax adjustment.

Finally, regular supervision and inspection work should be carried out. Yu Dandan said: to promote the implementation of policies, specific regulatory departments should also be clearly defined, and trade unions or civil affairs departments can be responsible for supervising the implementation of various enterprises and institutions; once an enterprise is found to have violated relevant laws and regulations, the labor inspection department will come forward to punish it.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Producer: Chen Shichun

Reporter: Hu Linguo, Jing Yingting, Liang Jianqiang

Participate in collecting and writing: song Xiaodong, Zhu Lili

Editors: Dong Jingxue, Liu Xinyi (internship)

Proofread: gu Peng

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