
Giving a friend a pot of flowers finally cured her depression. It was so touching.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Huahua recently saw a story, a Hubei girl because of work, life and other pressures, got mild depression, friends gave her a pot of flowers, magic is, with the flowers grow a little bit, blossom, her depression also...

Huahua recently saw a story about a Hubei girl who suffered from mild depression because of pressure from work and life. Her friend sent her a pot of flowers. Miraculously, as the flowers grew and blossomed, her depression was gradually cured.

After reading this story, Huahua decided to give people a gift and a pot of flowers! Next, I would like to introduce to you what kind of flowers are suitable for relatives and friends.

Parents gave it a basin, Fukuzawa Mian Yun Road prosperous

1. Happiness Tree

The shape of the happiness tree is beautiful, the tree shadow is whirling, implying happiness and auspiciousness, Fu Ze is thick, give it to your parents, it can increase your happiness and luck!

2. Rich bamboo

Rich bamboo should have the beautiful meaning of blossom and peace, which can bring wealth to the family and is very suitable for parents.

The old man gave it a basin for good health and longevity.

1. Pine and cypress bonsai

Pine and cypress bonsai, vigorous and powerful, evergreen all the year round, sent to the elderly, has a beautiful meaning of prolonging life.

2. Longevity flower

Longevity flowering period is long, meaning good luck, longevity, is an ideal choice for the elderly, put in the bedroom, there is a strong air purification ability.

Friends give it pots, friendship lasts a long time.

1. Gentleman's orchid

The gentleman orchid plant type is elegant and handsome, the posture is modest, has the gentleman wind, gives it to the friend, symbolizes its elegance as a gentleman!

2. Asparagus

Asparagus is also a very elegant plant, which can not only prosper in study and career, but also enhance popularity, so it is more suitable to give it to friends.

Lovers give it a basin, love is perfect

1. Rose

Rose symbolizes love, courage, hope and happiness, the most suitable for the lover around, to create a happy atmosphere of life!

2. Calla lilies

Calla lilies symbolize holy and pious love, given to lovers, and have the beautiful meaning of eternal knot.

Flower friends, have you learned it?

Send a pot of flowers as a gift in the future.

Chic and beautiful, don't you think?