
If you want to raise the rose well, the basic problem of mastering these three points will be solved.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although roses and roses look alike, they are more or less different, especially the special fragrance of roses, which is rich, not rich, elegant and not elegant, which is remembered as soon as they smell. Red roses.

Although roses and roses look alike, they are more or less different, especially the special fragrance of roses, which is rich, not rich, elegant and not elegant, which is remembered as soon as they smell. Red roses always have strong desire and aggressiveness. Even plain and elegant roses always make people feel that they are too deep to show their love and are only suitable for giving to their girlfriends, and there are no other candidates.

But the rose is different, it can be said to be suitable for all ages, it is very beautiful, but the beauty is not explicit, it exudes a light fragrance, silently open in the garden, its beauty may not be able to remember at a glance, but can fall in love after watching for a long time. How to grow rose well is a problem that we must consider in the process of planting, because although rose is not as delicate and fragile as roses, it still belongs to flowers rather than ordinary plants. Therefore, although the adaptability to the surrounding environment is not too weak, certainly not very strong.

1. If you want to grow a good rose, what do you need to pay attention to? The natural enemy of this flower plant is worms. In fact, if you pay attention to plants, it is not difficult to find that aphids are the most common types of insects that harm plants in our daily life. Aphids are so small that they can be ignored. The shape of aphids cannot be seen clearly without a microscope. Anyway, I am not so bored to look at aphids with a microscope. I guess they are similar to ladybugs.

Clumps of aphids look like the kind of light green with a little yellow, but it's a little uncomfortable to take a closer look. It is a bit difficult to eliminate aphids, first, because the aphids themselves are so small that it is not easy to find them if they are not used in large areas. Second, it is because aphids have a strong ability to reproduce and hide quickly.

two。 Is there a good solution to such difficult bugs as aphids? There must be a way, and it's not very troublesome. First of all, for these aphids, we have to find out where they usually hide. Aphids are small in size and usually look for soil at the root of Chinese rose to hide. Aphids certainly will not choose the petals of rose flowers to hide.

Even if there is, after all, it is a minority, because it is too easy to find inside the petals, you can casually pick and open the petals and you can see if there are bugs inside. If you pour an insecticide on the petals, won't the army of aphids be wiped out? They're not that stupid. If no aphids are found in the branches of the rose, the insecticide should be diluted and drenched in the soil at the root of the rose, which can reduce the damage to the rose and control the number of aphids.

3. Rose flower arrangement is a lot of knowledge. Let's take a look at what we have. Rose is not only good-looking, but also clever people can turn rose flowers into works of art. Rose shape is very good-looking, petals soft and smooth, coupled with rose flowers are not as deep as roses, are some relatively small and fresh colors, so rose flowers with other plants is also very good-looking. Rose flowers are not suitable to be put together with dark leaves, which will seem a little abrupt, so it is better to choose light-colored plants as far as possible.