
How to make the roots of money trees rotten?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The money tree not only has a beautiful meaning, but also has a high ornamental value as a family potted plant. However, many people found that the root of the money tree rotted in the process of maintenance and management, which not only made it lose its due.

The money tree not only has a beautiful meaning, but also has a high ornamental value as a family potted plant. However, many people found that the root of money tree rotted in the process of conservation and management, which not only made it lose its due ornamental value, but also affected the growth of the plant. So, what about the rot at the root of the money tree?

Now that the problem has emerged, we must try to solve the problem as soon as possible, hoping to save it before death occurs. However, first of all, we have to find the real cause of the rotting root through investigation, and then we can take targeted remedial measures to prescribe the right medicine to let the plant return to the glorious scene of the past as soon as possible.

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There is cause and effect in everything, and so is the phenomenon of root rot in potted money trees. the following editor will share with you the causes of root rot and measures to deal with it in combination with your own pot planting practice.

The tree has the characteristics of a warm, moist, well-lit growth environment, so on the one hand, we need to check according to the growth habits of the plant, on the other hand, we also need to find reasons according to the symptoms of bad growth. In practice, it is found that the rotten root phenomenon of money tree is mainly due to the following reasons. Therefore, the focus of our investigation should be on these aspects:

I. overwatering

For most potted flower plants, whether they like to be wet or dry, they are often afraid of over-watering, because the long-term flooding of plant roots will inhibit root respiration and hinder normal absorption activities. So there will be rotting roots. And the money tree itself does not like wet, so its water resistance is naturally poor, if the drainage effect in the basin is poor, soil permeability is not good and cause stagnant water or too wet, root rot is inevitable.

II. Excessive fertilization

Fertilizer damage is another important reason for root rot of potted flowers and plants. Even for those plants that prefer to grow in a fertile soil environment, their roots are prone to burn and form fertilizer damage once they are overfertilized. In particular, the intake of liquid fertilizer or raw fertilizer with high concentration will cause great damage to the root system of the plant, and fertilizer damage is inevitable. Therefore, we need to seriously review whether the usual management of water and fertilizer is scientific and reasonable.

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III. Bacterial invasion

Although the tree prefers the warm and humid basin soil environment, if the growth space is not well ventilated, the growth environment which has been in a hot and humid state for a long time is easy to breed germs, and if the growth conditions are not improved in time, the bacteria will pass through the roots of the plant, even branches and leaves invade, resulting in rotting roots and other growth problems. Therefore, it is very important to raise money trees in pots and provide them with a well-ventilated growth space.

The above three aspects are the most common causes of rotten roots in the money tree, we usually need to timely observe the growth state of the plant in the maintenance process, and do a good job in plant management at the same time. Once the root rot occurs, it shows that the growth environment of the plant has been destroyed, perhaps due to human factors or natural factors, but no matter what the cause is, we will change the status quo in time and take remedial measures. only in this way can the plant be saved from sickness as soon as possible.

In view of the phenomenon of decay at the root of the money tree, we can usually take the following measures, as long as everyone is rescued in time and the method is correct, I believe it can be saved, so as to minimize the loss. Usually we can take the following measures to remedy.

The rotten root phenomenon of the money tree is mostly caused by improper watering, generally too much watering. Therefore, we should take drainage measures for it immediately. If the rotten root situation is not serious, it is usually to remove the basin soil and dry it out of the trench, while improving the ventilation conditions, strengthening ventilation and draining the excess water as soon as possible.

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If the stagnant water in the basin is relatively serious, the soil in the basin is too wet to be drained, and the root rot is relatively deep, then it is suggested that everyone take the plant out of the original basin and rinse off the soil adhered to the plant root system with water. and then cut off the rotting part of the root system and the old, weak and diseased roots. The purpose of cutting off rotten roots is to prevent germs from rotting roots from continuing to spread, thus infecting healthy roots, while the purpose of cutting off old, weak and thin roots is because these roots basically lose their absorbing capacity, and cutting them can effectively stimulate plants. so as to promote the germination of new roots and improve the overall absorption effect of the roots.

After the completion of root pruning, in order to completely eliminate the germs, we suggest using carbendazim and other drugs to sterilize and disinfect the roots; if you want to germinate new roots as soon as possible, you can also use some rooting powder or rooting agents on the roots. Finally, the plant can be replanted in the pot. However, in the later stage, we still need to do a good job in daily cultivation and maintenance.

If excessive fertilization leads to rotting roots, we can first flush into the basin with heavy water, which will dilute the excess fertilizer accumulated in the soil and then flow out through the basin bottom drain. If the rotten root is not serious, there is no need to change the pot to change the soil; if the rotten root is serious, the treatment method is similar to the treatment method of the rotten root caused by excessive watering.

After root pruning, sterilization and disinfection are also needed. If there is no carbendazim, we can also use charcoal powder and plant ash instead. In short, disinfection and sterilization is an essential link, only when the bacteria are completely eliminated, the plant can return to the normal growth state.


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