
Is the kitchen too greasy in summer? The pot absorbs oil and can cook.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The temperature is so high recently that Huahua is so hot that it simply doesn't want to cook. However, my mother did have a good idea for Huahua, that is to grow a few pots of flowers in the kitchen, which can not only absorb lampblack to make the kitchen cleaner, but also grab it easily.

The temperature has been so high recently that Huahua is too hot to cook! However, his mother had a good idea for Huahua. She wanted to raise a few pots of flowers in the kitchen. Not only could they absorb the oil fumes and make the kitchen cleaner, but they could also cook with a handful of them at will, giving Xia Tian a refreshing taste!

Kitchen pot amaranth, summer salad best to eat!

The weather has been hot lately. Does everyone feel that they have lost their appetite? It's better to raise a pot of amaranth in the kitchen. When you don't have an appetite, grab a handful of it and wash it cold. It's refreshing and delicious, so that you can immediately have an appetite!

How to grow?

1. Prepare a pot of loose and breathable nutrient soil first, pour water through it until water flows out from the bottom of the pot, then sprinkle the purchased amaranth seeds directly on the pot surface, and finally cover it with a thin layer of soil. It will take about 5-7 days for small buds to emerge.

2. If you want amaranth to grow up as soon as possible, you must ensure sufficient light, pay attention not to water too much, and let the pot soil dry a little bit so that amaranth can grow bigger and bigger. It only takes about a month for the amaranth to grow! Such a large basin of red and green, in the kitchen is simply too refreshing!

3. I really can't help it. Then pick a handful of amaranth and wash it clean. Whether it's stir-fried, or add some green onion, ginger and garlic, etc., the taste is super delicious. People want to eat the next meal after eating this meal!

Kitchen pot onion, pinch a fresh and delicious!

Usually go to the vegetable market to buy home onions, basically with roots, we might as well raise a pot at home, not only fresh air, but also when cooking, the taste is also very good!

How to grow?

1. Go to the vegetable market to buy scallion, cut it from the root system up about 4cm for later use.

2. Prepare loose and breathable soil, plant onion with root system, pour water once, and put it on the balcony. Summer weather is hot, basically only need 1 week can sprout, half a month basically can grow up!

3. When the shallot is ripe, you can pick it directly and put it in when cooking soup, or pinch a shallot leaf to make a scrambled egg. The shallot I planted on the balcony was natural and healthy. It tasted great!


4. If you don't want to eat onion leaves, you can wait a little longer, dig the onions out of the flowerpot, wash them directly and cook them, which is also very good!

Kitchen pot mint, clear heat soak water drink!

Recently the weather is so hot, some places have reached 40℃, in order to prevent heatstroke, we can choose to keep a pot of mint in the kitchen oh, not only when cooking green eyes, but also can clear heat!

How to maintain?

1. If you keep a pot of mint in the kitchen, remember to put the mint in a well-ventilated place near the kitchen windowsill, and get it in the sun at intervals of 1 week to prevent the leaves from yellowing.

2. Be sure to remember to water more. On the premise of ensuring that there is no accumulated water in the basin, water is poured about once a day, or 1-2 times a day. Don't let mint dry because of lack of water.

3. When you want to soak in water, pick a few pieces and throw them in clear water, or soak them with tea leaves. Wait for about 10 minutes and you can drink cool mint tea!

A pot of thyme in the kitchen makes a stew delicious!

Usually, he wanted to cook a meal at home, but he was also a cooking novice. What should he do? It's better to keep thyme in the kitchen. With the help of thyme, your cooking ability will rise to the next level!

How to maintain?

1. Prepare loose and breathable soil. Sprinkle the thyme seeds directly into it. After about 5 days, thyme will sprout. You can also pinch a branch directly, and the survival rate is also very high.

2, usually can let thyme more sun, it is more drought resistant, usually to see the pot soil completely dry after watering, do not cause rotten roots because of accumulated water.

3. Thyme leaves can be used as seasoning. Whether you're grilling pork steak or stir-frying vegetables, you can put a few thyme leaves to remove the fishy smell and freshen it up. It tastes great!

A pot of coriander in the kitchen, soup is indispensable!

Speaking of condiments in the most serious differences, it must be coriander! For those who like it, the taste of coriander is super delicious. For those who don't like it, this taste is really unbearable!

How to grow?

1. If you want to plant coriander in the kitchen, you can choose to buy some coriander seeds and sow them, or you can sow them with coriander roots bought from the vegetable market, so that the survival rate will be slightly higher.

2. Put the coriander planted in the kitchen windowsill where the light is good. Be careful not to let the pot dry. It only takes half a month to see the coriander grow and explode!

3. Pinch a few ripe coriander roots down, throw them directly into the soup, or chop them up when you want cold dishes in summer. It's delicious!

That's all for Huahua today!

What other flowers have you raised in the kitchen?

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