
Have you ever seen the bamboo on the back of a tortoise that has been raised by someone else for 25 years?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The tortoise-backed bamboo of Huayu's moustache family has been raised for 25 years. It is said that the bearded grandfather spent 1.2 yuan to buy it 25 years ago. From living in a tube building to living in a bungalow to living in a building now, this tortoise-backed bamboo has never left. From the beginning.

The tortoise-backed bamboo of Huayu's moustache family has been raised for 25 years. It is said that the bearded grandfather spent 1.2 yuan to buy it 25 years ago. From living in a tube building to living in a bungalow to living in a building now, this tortoise-backed bamboo has never left. From a small basin at the beginning to a big one now, it has been kept at home for 25 years.


Tortoise back bamboo

The tortoise-backed bamboo, which has been raised for 25 years, has grown sideways from the beginning, and now it has grown far beyond the edge of the flowerpot, with long aerial roots on the stem. At the beginning of the year, moustache's father customized a special flower rack to dredge the aerial root into the flowerpot and grow. After the scaffolding, the tortoise-backed bamboo grows gratifying, because the plant is too large to move at will. Let's take a look at the blooming giant tortoise-backed bamboo.

Maintenance methods of tortoise back bamboo

Growing environment

Tortoise back bamboo likes the warm and humid environment, does not like the strong light direct exposure and dry environment, grows vigorously in the shade, and is easy to grow in the slightly acidic loam with loose fertility, large water absorption and good water retention, and rotten leaf soil or peat soil is the best. Light: avoid strong light in summer, but enough light in winter. Temperature: the most suitable temperature for growth is 15-20 ℃. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃ or below 5 ℃, the growth is stagnant.


Planting tortoise back bamboo is recommended to choose slightly acidic soil with fertile and loose, large water absorption and good water retention, including pond mud, humus soil and peat soil.

Tortoise back bamboo

Light and temperature

Tortoise-backed bamboo is a very typical negative plant. Family farming can be kept in a cool place. Keep in mind that the air conditioner can blow directly in summer. When the temperature drops to 6 ℃ in autumn, it should be moved into the room to keep warm to prevent the cold wind from blowing, otherwise the leaves are easy to wither and yellow and fall off.


The tortoise needs plenty of water during the growing period. Daily watering can be once a day, one in the morning and one in the evening in summer. when the weather is dry, it is more necessary to spray water to the leaves and spray water to the maintenance environment to keep the air and leaves bright. Water once every 3-4 days in winter. Spray the leaves with water close to room temperature every 7-10 days to keep the plant evergreen and fresh and improve the ornamental value.

Tortoise back bamboo

Fertilizer application

Tortoise back bamboo is a kind of flower that likes to be fertilized. From April to September, it can be fertilized every 15 days. Tortoise back bamboo roots are relatively tender, do not apply thick fertilizer, so as not to burn roots. The plant should be framed and tied in time, and pay attention to the pruning of the whole plant after shaping, so as to make the plant beautiful.

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