
My mother-in-law was sick and asked me to pay the medical expenses. My mother said to settle the previous accounts first.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, My mother-in-law was ill in hospital and asked me to pay the medical expenses. My mother said that she had settled the previous account first. On the one hand, she was a shrewd and stingy mother-in-law, and on the other hand, she hated iron and steel. After marriage, I was caught between...

(from readers' contribution, the picture of this article comes from the Internet)

My mother-in-law was ill in the hospital and asked me to pay the medical expenses, but my mother said to settle the previous account first.

On the one hand is the shrewd and stingy mother-in-law, on the other hand is the mother who hates iron. After marriage, I am sandwiched in the middle do not know what to do, I always think that one more thing is better than one less thing, home and everything is happy. But can I blindly tolerate and tolerate in exchange for family harmony? I'm not sure. I'm tired. I once felt that this state of life could not be changed, so let's go on like this. Until this time, I feel that the contradiction has escalated to the extreme, and I should be faced with a choice.


Had it not been for the strong relationship between my husband and me at that time, I would never have wanted to enter this family. My mother-in-law's shrewdness and penny-pinching had already been shown before the marriage. At that time, I was haggling with my family because of the problem that the bride price was more than 10,000 and less than 10,000. My family was not a stingy family, but my mother was very dissatisfied with this and kept it in mind. She told me many times that I would live with such a mother-in-law in the future. There must be something for me. At that time, I simply thought that when I got married, I would be a family. Maybe she would make a difference to me.

After marriage, my mother-in-law took her sister-in-law to live in the new house bought by my parents. My mother was very angry when she heard that they were not satisfied with them when they didn't buy a house, but now they still come to live in the house I bought. It's shameless. I want to talk to my mother-in-law. I thought it would be more difficult to get along after I got married soon after I got married, so I stopped my mother. After they moved in, I paid for all the family expenses and did the housework. I was like a babysitter at home. Every time my mother went to my house to see them, she was very angry. I told my mother that I just got married. maybe they didn't know me yet. after a long time, they wouldn't do this to me. And they are not easy, my mother-in-law is not in good health, you should sympathize with her, mother just put up with it. But in the days that followed, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law did not change at all.

My mother-in-law was recently ill in hospital, and I was too busy with my work to take care of me, which caused my mother-in-law's dissatisfaction with me. One day, she called me and said, to be fair, if my sister-in-law took care of her, I should pay the medical expenses. As a matter of fact, I have no problem with it, and I don't think what my mother-in-law said too much. As a result, the story spread to my mother's ear, she was anxious, the same day went to my company to find me, told my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to live in, all the expenses are paid by me, they have not paid a penny for the household, I am responsible for everything. Let me take the money, I have to let them settle the previous account, live in my house rent, daily expenses, first calculate clearly. I saw that my mother was really anxious this time, and I couldn't say what I could persuade her.

My mother hates me and thinks that I am too indulgent to my mother-in-law. If it goes on like this, they will go too far. And I always feel that now that I am married, I am a family with my mother-in-law, so there is no need to worry about everything. I will be very tired and feel uncomfortable because I am always angry. When things get to this point, I really don't know what to do. What do people say I should do to not hurt the peace with my mother-in-law and quell my mother's anger?