
It's not easy to raise the inverted golden bell. You don't know the trick. Come and see what the master has to do.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fuchsia is often called lantern flower, this is because its flowers are more special, similar to the shape of lanterns, growth can be both open field or potted culture, but also hanging in the corridor or support for cultivation, is a very...

The golden bell hanging upside down can often be called lantern flower, because its flower is special and similar to the shape of lantern. When growing, it can be cultivated in open field or pot, and can be hung on corridor or bracket for cultivation. It is a very good indoor ornamental plant. However, many friends report that hanging Admiralty upside down is not easy to raise, because they do not have a good grasp of the growth characteristics of plants, so which aspects should be paid attention to?


Light and temperature

Hanging Golden Bell upside down is not suitable for growth in full sunshine, but suitable for growth and development in semi-shade. If placed indoors for cultivation, need to grow in a cool, ventilated environment, especially in the seedling stage, do not accept a large amount of light, otherwise the growth of plants will be seriously hindered.

When the temperature of the environment exceeds 28 degrees, the inverted Admiralty begins to enter a semi-dormant state, and the growth rate of the plant will obviously slow down. if it is kept at this temperature for a long time, leaves may fall off, branches may grow excessively and so on. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a suitable temperature range, which is most suitable for the growth of the golden bell upside down in the range of 18-25 degrees.

2. Soil

Soil is another aspect that is easy to be overlooked. Often, the failure of many friends to cultivate Admiralty upside down is that the cultivation soil is not selected well. It is usually chosen to use sandy soil or garden soil as the main basin soil for hanging the golden bell, and then supplemented with an appropriate amount of rotten leaf soil or river sandy soil, and in order to ensure the fertility of the soil, a small amount of base fertilizer is often mixed into the soil. At the same time, it is necessary to change the soil of the plant every spring, otherwise the new branches and leaves of the plant will be difficult to grow up healthily, and the branches are fragile and Lignification often occur.

Third, moisture

If you want to keep the golden bell hanging upside down, the requirement of watering is more stringent. The basin soil should not be too dry or too wet, if it is too dry, it is easy to lead to the withering of leaves; while the soil is too wet, it is easy to cause rotting roots. If in the spring and autumn, every 2-3 days can be watered, would rather ensure that the basin soil is relatively dry can not be over-watered; even if the hot period, watering times can be more frequent, but the amount of water should not be increased, and to the dry and cold winter, you can almost no watering.

IV. Nutrition and pruning

Every year, February to April is the vigorous growth time of the Golden Bell, during this period, it is appropriate to increase the amount of fertilizer, about every 12 days or so for topdressing, fertilizer selection is also more important, mainly nitrogen, phosphate fertilizer-based organic fertilizer, fertilization should also add enough water to dilute the concentration of fertilizer.

In order to make the plant blossom smoothly in the coming year, a certain pruning should be carried out after each flower fade, in addition to cutting off the remaining residual branches and flowers, but also pruning the branches, such as long branches, withered branches, and so on. to promote the growth and differentiation of new branches.