
If I want to buy a basin of sunflowers, my mother went downstairs and pinched a tree that sprouted in the earth for 7 days and sprouted for 30 days.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 03:12 one day and my mother wandered downstairs in the community, watching the sunflowers blooming well by the roadside, my mother was selfish and said she wanted to pinch a few plant branches and go home for planting. I wanted to tell my mother that there was no morality in doing so and would destroy the flowers and plants.


One day, wandering downstairs with my mother, watching the sunflowers blooming on the side of the road, my mother was selfish and said she wanted to pinch a few plant branches and go home for planting. I wanted to tell my mother that there was no morality in doing so, and it was even worse to destroy flowers and plants. We just went to the flower and bird market to buy it. But before I finished my words, my mother had already pinched several sunflower branches. Then my mother said disdainfully that there were only a few sunflower branches, which all burst into pots. I divided the plants in order to make sunflowers grow better without wasting money. With such a mother at home, I had to let her take the sunflower branches home.

I thought that the sunflower branches picked by my mother could not be fed by cuttings in the flowerpot. Who knows a week later, sunflowers really grow new buds, but also open small flowers, looking at the plant petals, colorful, like a blossoming little peony, very beautiful. Mother said that, in fact, the method of sunflower culture is very simple, as long as pay attention to some basic requirements, it is very easy to make sunflowers burst.

First of all, the method of sunflower cutting. When picking sunflower branches, it is best to choose the one with long roots. Cut the plant branches in a flowerpot with no holes at the bottom, preferably with a cutting depth of 3 cm. After the cuttage is finished, place the flowerpot in a sunny and ventilated place. Sunflower is a kind of plant that likes sunshine, and all-day sunshine is very suitable for plant growth. In addition, due to the rapid evaporation of water exposed to sunlight, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping the soil moist. After waiting for a week, the sunflowers will take root and sprout.

Secondly, sunflower culture is the most important thing to keep the soil moist. When it comes to solar flowering, remember to fertilize the plants. Sunflower's favorite fertilizer is phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in which potassium fertilizer can help plant branches and leaves grow fat, phosphate fertilizer can promote the increase of plant buds. The number of fertilization is required, on average, twice a month.

Finally, when sunflowers grow to a certain period of time, they need to clean up the branches and leaves and remove the slender branches. These slender branches do not have buds and will not blossom. They will only waste nutrients in flowerpots. It is better to remove them and leave them to plants with more buds and thick roots. In fact, when the sunflower grows tall and strong, its flowers will fish down. Now topping the plant and fixing it with a flower rack will naturally turn the flower out of the plant into a bouquet.

I believe we all know the same about the methods and matters needing attention in sunflower culture. If you are interested, you might as well pick a few sunflower branches, go home for cutting, and pay attention to giving the plants plenty of sunshine and water. As long as you apply fertilizer on time and on a regular basis, make sure that your sunflowers are covered with flowerpots and bring a vibrant scene to your home.

The cutting propagation of sunflowers is really very simple. In the growing season of sunflowers, you can pinch a branch and insert it into a flowerpot. It will take root and survive in a few days. Generally, sunflowers with persistent roots are propagated by cutting. You see, my family has planted several pots, all of which are planted in large iron pots, so they grow quickly and bloom beautifully.