
Keep these three details in mind when raising a gentleman's orchid, otherwise the leaves will droop and the head will droop.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Raising a gentleman's orchid is a very interesting thing. When it blossoms, the flowers are bright and generous. When it does not bloom, it can be raised as a foliage plant, and it can also bring some vitality and greenness. Coupled with flowers like orchids, they have a very long life.

Raising Clivia is a very interesting thing. When it blooms, the flowers are bright and generous. When it does not bloom, it can be raised as a foliage plant, which can also bring some vitality and greenery. In addition, clivia this kind of flower, life is very long, if properly maintained, it is not a problem to raise for 30 to 40 years. A presbyopic friend told me before that he had been raising Clivia for 26 years and had blossomed every year.

Conservation of clivia is also a technical activity. Only by understanding its growth characteristics can it be well maintained. In daily flower cultivation, there are often small problems, we should learn to deal with them. For example, the next to share, Clivia leaves droop, droop head situation. See if you have a similar phenomenon?

Clivia leaves are very beautiful, wide and green, full of vitality, if the leaves droop head, then the ornamental value is not there. Clivia leaves droop is very common, basically every ten Clivia flower friends at least half of the similar situation. The causes of leaf droop can be summarized into the following three basic reasons. If you miss these "3" details, remember to correct them!

1, summer high temperature, Clivia easy to lack water, watering too little caused

Summer is a season of high temperature, this time water evaporation fast, plant leaves originally stored water is not much. If not watered in time, or watered too little, it is easy to cause the cells of the leaves to absorb less water and dry up due to lack of water. Growth up also did not have the vigor, first leaves droop, droop, and then later can be yellow leaves. So water it more. Clivia is best to spray water on the leaves every morning and evening.

2. Clivia does not change pots for a long time, and the root system is "stuffy" due to the hardening of the pot soil.

Clivia root system belongs to fleshy root, growth is more developed, exuberant. If the pot is not changed for a long time, the pot soil will become more and more barren, not only the nutrients will be lost, but the roots will also be affected. Once the roots of Clivia are "stuffy", then even the ability to absorb nutrients is not, and even the ability to absorb water will decline. Such a long time, will naturally lead to the situation of drooping leaves. Clivia must remember to change pots every six months!

3. Too little fertilization for Clivia, especially lack of nitrogen fertilizer

Clivia to raise good, fertilizer must not be less. Flowering stresses three points of fertilizer, seven points of water. This is especially true of clivia. When there is no fertilizer in the pot soil, the root system cannot guarantee normal growth, and the leaves cannot absorb any trace elements and nutrients. For example, nitrogen, which promotes robust plants and evergreen leaves, will appear weak and droopy once it is missing. Therefore, it is suggested that Clivia should be given some thin cake fertilizer water every month.

In addition to Clivia leaves easy to droop, spider orchid will also appear this situation, most of the reasons are also the above three. Therefore, more attention should be paid when maintaining them in the future. About the conservation knowledge of Clivia, share it here, thank you for reading! Pay attention to the potted small stack, and you can get new flower cultivation tips every day!

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