
Triangular plum in August maintenance has the skill to do a good job of these three flower buds burst into a sea of red flowers in October

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Triangular plum is always attracted by a large sea of red flowers and is loved by many flower friends because of its bright colors and many flowers. In August, Triangle Plum slowly begins to blossom again, so do these three points ahead of time.

Triangular plum is always attracted by a large sea of red flowers and is loved by many flower friends because of its bright colors and many flowers.

In August, triangular plums slowly begin to blossom again, so we should do these three points in advance, let it bud in September, and continue to burst into flaming blossoms in October!

1. Pruning

No matter how heat-resistant triangular plum is, there will be some withered branches and residual branches, which will consume nutrients and have a certain impact on the germination and growth of the plant, so it is necessary to prune them all, as well as some inner bore branches, overgrown and too weak branches, and so on, so as to leave room for the main branches to sprout and grow.

We should also start to remove the top of the plum properly, promote the germination and growth of lateral buds, make the plant more luxuriant and differentiate more flower buds.

2. Lighting control

Triangular plum is a short-day plant, which can control the flowering period by controlling the light time. After entering August, we will begin to control the light. After 8-9 hours of light exposure every day, we will dark it and cover it with a black plastic bag. If the plant is larger, you can cut the plastic bag and cover it until it is about to blossom, and then spray water every day to cool down and increase humidity. More conducive to the differentiation of flower buds.

3. Rational fertilization

Triangular plum has a large number of flowers, so it needs to have sufficient nutrients. Diluted liquid fertilizer should be applied once a week, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and an appropriate amount of bone powder, rotten bean dregs or animal manure can be buried into the basin soil every month to increase soil fertility. when burying, we should pay attention not to be close to the head, nor let the root system directly contact, so as not to cause root burning.

This is the end of the conservation of triangular plum, flower friends have other additions, you can share with you in the comment area below, if you want to know more about raising knowledge, you can pay attention to the flowers!