
How can we prevent new corn from mildew when it is cloudy and rainy in corn harvest season?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, After the corn harvest, how to avoid corn mildew? When many farmers harvest their corn home, they will find that mildew has already appeared on the ears when they are peeled. It should be said that the corn has not been received at home and dare not say a bumper corn harvest.

After the corn harvest, how to avoid corn mildew? When many farmers harvest their corn home, they will find that mildew has already appeared on the ears when they are peeled. It should be said that the corn has not been received at home and dare not say that the corn harvest, and even if returned to the home, did not complete threshing, still can not ensure the good quality of corn, and all this is based on the prevention of mildew.

So how to avoid mildew of corn? Here are some suggestions for you to develop agriculture through science.

Timely harvest

When corn is about to mature, harvest at the right time! Timely harvest here, not only corn maturity, but also depends on the weather, if the recent weather humidity or continuous rain, then try to avoid, do not harvest, avoid corn moisture after harvest, and easy to mildew. Choose to harvest when the weather is sunny and the ears of corn are dry.

Peel as soon as possible

What I fear most in continuous rainy weather is that the corn is airtight, causing the corn to accumulate in the home and become hot and moldy. On the other hand, the corn husk is wrapped in corn, and the humidity is too high, which reduces the air permeability, so once the corn is recovered, the corn husk needs to be peeled off as soon as possible. At the same time, spread out the peeled corn and don't pile it up.

Dryer drying

Nowadays, many areas have bought corresponding drying equipment, if they encounter continuous rain and there is no proper drying space, you can choose to use drying equipment to dry quickly, although the cost seems a little high, but it is still worthwhile. After all, once the mildew loss is not a bit.

What kind of tricks do you have for farmers who grow corn? Welcome to discuss, after all, autumn is also relatively easy to rain season, although Rain Water is not big, but a few drops every day, it is really annoying. For the busy season of farming, it doesn't make peasant friends worry.

Here is science to promote agriculture, welcome to add attention, with you to grow knowledge.