
Detailed explanation: the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rich bergamot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, This period of fengshui brings us the breeding methods and matters needing attention to attract wealth bergamot. Bergamot is a tropical and subtropical plant, like warm, humid, sunny environment, not resistant to cold, frost and drought, shade, barren, waterlogging. Next, let Wealth fengshui continue to explain for us in detail.

This period of fengshui brings us the breeding methods and matters needing attention to attract wealth bergamot. Bergamot is a tropical and subtropical plant, like warm, humid, sunny environment, not resistant to cold, frost and drought, shade, barren, waterlogging. Next, let Wealth fengshui continue to explain for us in detail!

Bergamot culture method (basic knowledge): the best breeding time: mid-late March.

The best growth soil: bergamot is suitable for growing in acid loam, sandy loam or clay loam with deep, loose and fertile soil, rich in humus and good drainage.

Growth humidity requirements: the most suitable humidity for bergamot is 70%-90%.

The optimum growth temperature of bergamot is between 22 ℃ and 24 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is above 5 ℃.

The best growth light: the annual sunshine hours is 1200 to 1800 hours.

Matters needing attention in breeding bergamot: applying fertilizer: 1. During the period of new shoots growing in spring, fertilization should be light. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied thinly once a week in combination with watering. 2. Summer is the peak period for the growth of bergamot. The flower multiplication fruit stilbene needs a large amount of fertilizer, and the fertility is also thickened accordingly. The fertilizers are mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizers such as withered cake, bone meal, visceral fluid of mature animals or compound fertilizer. 3. During the period from early autumn to mid-autumn, phosphorus, potassium and calcium compound fertilizer should be applied, which is beneficial to improve the fruit setting rate. In late autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in time after picking fruits, so that dwarf plants can replenish a large amount of nutrition, restore growth, and lay the foundation for flowering and fruiting in the following year.

Watering points: 1. Bergamot should be watered frequently because its root system is shallow and its absorptive capacity is weak. 2. During the peak growth period of bergamot, it is high temperature in summer, and the water demand is large. In addition to watering in the morning and evening, it is also necessary to spray water to increase environmental humidity. 3. After the beginning of autumn, the amount of water can be reduced gradually. 4. During the low temperature period in late winter and early spring, indoor evaporation is slow, which can be watered every three or five days in the morning to keep the basin soil moist. 5. The current period is in the early stage of flowering and fruiting, watering should not be too much to prevent a large number of flowers and fruits.

Pruning essentials: 1. Those who blossom and bear fruit in the same year should not let them blossom. Flower buds should be picked as soon as possible to promote the coarse growth and crown expansion of the tree. 2. The trees entering the peak period of flowers and fruits are generally pruned after sprouting in March and harvest in autumn and winter. 3. When regulating flowers and fruits, attention should be paid to removing early flowers (that is, flowers blooming in late spring and early summer, so most of the flowers blooming at that time are male flowers can not bear fruit), and extra axillary buds sprouting on female branches should also be wiped to reduce nutrient consumption and improve growth conditions. 4. Bergamot has more coarse and fast-growing branches, and reasonable pruning and shaping must be carried out every year to make the tree vigorous and promote the uniform distribution of fruiting branches. 5. Pruning and shaping was carried out after fruit picking and before sprouting in March, cutting off cross branches, weak branches, disease and insect branches and dead branches, and only growing branches. 6. Most of the short branches of bergamot are fruiting mother branches, which should be retained as far as possible. All summer shoots growing in summer should be cut off except for individual needs to expand the crown.

There are two pieces of information. Is it useful to repellent mosquitoes on the next page 212? explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of mosquito repellents

With the advent of summer, a variety of mosquito repellent methods emerge in endlessly, among which "repelling gravegrass" is loved by the public as a safe and non-toxic method. So does mosquito repellent work? Here are the breeding methods and precautions of mosquito repellent grass, which will teach you to use green plants to ward off mosquitoes healthily.

Is mosquito repellent useful? explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of mosquito repellent grass

First, is mosquito repellent useful?

Answer: mosquito repellent has a certain effect on mosquito removal. Compared with general mosquito repellent products, mosquito repellent grass is a completely natural product with no toxic and side effects. At the same time, in the hot summer, its fresh smell can also purify the environment and make people refreshing and pleasing to the eye.

2. The uses of mosquito repellent can be summarized as follows:

1. Mosquito repellent grass can be shaped into bonsai, such as beautiful flowers, both insect repellent and ornamental. It is especially suitable for offices, bedrooms and business places (especially restaurants and guesthouses) (one room and two pots).

two。 Mosquito repellent grass perennial lemon aroma, fragrance overflowing, fresh air, safe mosquito repellent.

3. No medicine, no fumigation, harmless to people and animals, to achieve biological natural mosquito repellent.

4. Communities and apartments can also be planted in large areas to build mosquito repellent green belts, especially in water-facing communities.

Is mosquito repellent useful? explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of mosquito repellent grass

3. Culture methods and points for attention of mosquito repellent grass:

1. Mosquito repellent is a perennial herb with a survival temperature above-3 ℃ and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors. In general, the higher the temperature, the stronger the fragrance, the better the mosquito repellent effect, so summer is the peak period of mosquito repellent. The seedlings develop rapidly, can grow and mature in half a year, the main branches in two years are gradually Lignified, and can also be modeled bonsai, which has good ornamental value and mosquito repellent effect.

two。 Mosquito repellent is a perennial herb with strong adaptability and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors. It emits melancholy lemon fragrance all the year round and has the effect of repelling mosquitoes and purifying the air. The real realization of no spraying, no smoking, biological natural mosquito repellent, without any side effects. There is no doubt that mosquito repellent vanilla is a perfect combination of nature and modern high-tech bioengineering, and it is the most ideal mosquito repellent product for human beings. The advent of this product is of epoch-making significance for the improvement and maintenance of modern human life, working and learning environment.

Is mosquito repellent useful? explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of mosquito repellent grass

3. Usually sowing and cutting propagation, cutting is easy to survive in spring and autumn. In early March, the seeds were sown into clean fine sand, 3 cm deep. Water thoroughly 4 hours after insertion, and keep the basin soil moist after that, not too dry or too wet. Put it in a warm and bright place in the room in early spring. It can sprout and root in about 1 month at room temperature of about 20 ℃. Then, the seedlings were raised with Xiaopeng on the ordinary culture soil, and white roots emerged from the pots when the seedlings grew strong. Some broken hooves were padded under the fertilized culture soil as base fertilizer, and then planted in chrysanthemum bucket pots.

4. Mosquito repellent grass grows fast and needs to change the basin to increase soil and fertilizer once a year, usually from February to early March in early spring, first strong pruning, leaving only three lateral buds at the base of each branch, then peeling off the surrounding old roots, replacing the new fertilized culture soil and applying base fertilizer.

Is mosquito repellent useful? explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of mosquito repellent grass

5. After the new branches were issued in the first ten days of April, the dilute organic liquid fertilizer was applied once a week, and flowered one after another when it was removed from the outside in the last ten days.

6. Move to the scattered light on the inside of the balcony in early June. Courtyard maintenance is transferred to the shade, the east side of the house, or under the shade. Pay attention to the whitening of the soil surface of Xiaopeng and watering when it is 1 cm below the surface of the big basin soil.

From 7.7 to August, the high temperature should be cooled by spraying water frequently to keep the surrounding environment moist and no stagnant water in the basin. Before the arrival of the early frost in the middle of October, the room temperature in winter was not less than 12 ℃, the light was sufficient, the air was fresh, and the flowers bloomed continuously. Professional cultivation for "May Day" festival for a large number of flowers, can be re-pruned at the end of autumn, into a low greenhouse (less than 10 ℃), maintain sufficient light, water control, moderate ventilation and maintenance.

Detailed explanation of culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

When many people hear camellia, they will think that it is a kind of flower that can make tea, but it is not. There are more than 2000 varieties of camellias, which are divided into three categories and 12 flower types. It belongs to a traditional ornamental flower plant in China, it ranks seventh among the top ten famous flowers, and it is a very valuable flower plant in the world. Camellia is mainly distributed in Chongqing, Sichuan, Japan, Korea and other areas, its ornamental value is very good. Many people want to know the culture method of camellia, the following editor will introduce the culture method of camellia and matters needing attention. [introduction of Camellia] Camellia is also known as Camellia. It belongs to the genus Camellia of Theaceae and was called sea pomegranate in ancient times. Camellia likes to grow in a warm and humid environment, and its flowering period is relatively long, usually from October to May of the following year, and the blooming period is in the world from January to March. Petals are bowl-shaped, divided into single and double petals, single petals belong to the original flower species, and double petals can reach 60. The colors of camellias are also different according to the varieties, such as red, purple, white, yellow and so on, and even camellias with colored stripes, whose branches can reach up to 4m. Because C's shape is beautiful, the green glossiness of the leaves is very good, the shape of the flowers is gorgeous and colorful, and the camellias are cherished by the horticultural circles all over the world. [growth habits of camellias] Camellia is a kind of plant that fears the wind and likes the sun. It likes to grow in sandy soil with high terrain, good ventilation, moist temperature, good drainage, loose and fertile soil, and can also use loess and humus to be serious. Ph is the most suitable at 5.56.5. the temperature is between 20 and 32 degrees Celsius. If it is at 29 degrees Celsius, the growth will stop, leaves will be anxious at 35 degrees Celsius, and there will be a certain temperature difference to the requirements of the environment. The humidity of the environment is more than 70%, and most of them can withstand the low temperature of-8 degrees Celsius, especially in the area south of Huainan, which can naturally survive the winter and prefer the soil with good acid permeability. [culture method of camellia] 1. Soil is the fundamental condition when cultivating camellias, which is very important. Generally choose the soil with high humus and slightly acidic soil, the ph of the soil is 5-6.5 is the most suitable. two。 Temperature camellia is suitable to grow at a temperature of 18-25 degrees Celsius. If it is too high or too low, it will have a certain impact on the growth of camellias. It should be mainly frostproof in winter, generally placed indoors for planting, and can be placed under the sun for photosynthesis when there is plenty of sunshine at noon. In summer, we should also pay attention to sunscreen, the temperature should be too high. 3. Watered camellias like to grow in a humid environment, so water more camellias to keep the soil moist. But it should not be too wet, avoid stagnant water and place roots to grow effectively. It is best to water more in spring and summer and less in winter. Watering every two or three days is the best, which is more conducive to the growth of camellias. 4. Fertilizing camellia is a kind of fertilizer-loving plant. In the process of breeding, it is necessary to apply more fertilizer, not too much fertilizer. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be added during the growing period, which is more conducive to the growth of camellias and makes the flowers of camellias bloom more luxuriantly. 5. Pruning the branches of camellias regularly, especially when the buds of camellias are relatively dense, we need to prune the weak branches and arrange the buds, so as to effectively promote the absorption of nutrients by camellias. 6. Disease and insect control camellia is very easy to give birth to diseases and insects, generally there will be black mold and anthrax two kinds of disease and insect harm, you can spray some disease and insect control drugs, which is more conducive to promote the growth of camellias. Points for attention of camellias 1. Do not be strong in the process of pruning camellias, its flowers, leaves and buds take a long time to develop, and the crown is relatively uniform, generally do not need special pruning, can cut off disease and insect branches, dense branches, weak branches, truncated only long branches. two。 Camellia is a multi-flowered tree species, especially on weak plants, if the buds are dense, it will consume too many nutrients, which is disadvantageous to the plant growth. Therefore, bud picking is an important part of cultivation and management, it is appropriate to leave 1 bud and 2 buds on each branch, only 3 buds at most, and keep a certain distance. The sparse buds can be used medicinally. 3. The flowering period of camellias is longer, and the whole flowering period is as long as half a year. It is necessary to pick close to withered flowers in time, so as to reduce nutrient consumption and enhance the tree potential. Conclusion: the above is the detailed explanation of the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of camellias introduced by the editor. I hope the introduction of the editor will be of some help to you. According to the method of the editor, we will certainly be able to breed beautiful camellias. Thank you for your appreciation.

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