
What kind of large bonsai fengshui should be put in the new home?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bonsai is a common furniture in many families, and many people decorate their rooms with bonsai. Different bonsai can have different effects when decorating the room, but what kind of bonsai is arranged in the new home is a headache for many people. If you put the wrong bonsai in your new home, it will not only be bad for your own luck.

Bonsai is a common furniture in many families, and many people decorate their rooms with bonsai. Different bonsai can have different effects when decorating the room, but what kind of bonsai is arranged in the new home is a headache for many people. If you put the wrong bonsai in your new home, it will not only be bad for your own luck, but may also bring disaster to your family. So, follow the plant fengshui to learn about it!

Bonsai with stumps in new homes is common in many families, but it is best not to display bonsai stumps in new homes. The tree stump bonsai is built by imitating the tree stump, and the tree stump plays a role in calming the house in the old house. However, if the bonsai stump is placed in the new home, then the stump will gather the bad spirits in the new house like a source of bad spirits.

The display of jungle bonsai in the new home leads to brotherly discord. Jungle bonsai is also common in many families, but it is best not to display jungle bonsai in the new home. The jungle bonsai is built after the jungle, just like many brothers in a family. However, if you put jungle bonsai in your new home, it will make people restless and easily cause discord among brothers.

The display of landscape bonsai in the new home is beneficial to health. Placing landscape bonsai in the new home is the most suitable feng shui design. Fengshui bonsai can form a fengshui bureau on its own, and the fengshui bureau composed of fengshui bonsai is mostly beneficial to the health of the owner of the room. Therefore, the new home with landscape bonsai is the most appropriate.

What kind of bonsai is placed in the new house is very fastidious. If you put the wrong bonsai in the new house, it will be very disadvantageous to the owner of the room. It is not only bad for your own luck, but also may bring disaster to your family.

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A brief introduction to Plant geomancy

Geomantic omen of plant

Fengshui is not superstition, is one of the traditional Chinese culture, contains a lot of knowledge in it. Modern China has undergone earth-shaking changes, a lot of traditional culture has also been destroyed, modern people have been unable to see the full picture of fengshui. The real geomancy should be all the knowledge that can be used in casting homes, such as architecture, geological structure, architectural art, gardens, urban planning and so on.

In recent years, bonsai collection has gradually become more and more popular. In addition to maintaining and increasing its value, some collectors believe that bonsai can bring good luck. In addition to collectors and players collecting bonsai, ordinary citizens are also emerging as a new force to play "bonsai", among which there are many young people, but in the process of bonsai, people often ignore its important role, that is, the relationship between plants and fengshui. Plants have not only the distinction of color, but also the theory of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang. Fengshui in ancient China advocated that the courtyard should be widely planted with plants and flowers. It is believed that it has four functions: "hiding water, avoiding wind, accompanying cute veins, dispelling bad spirits, and increasing prosperity and auspiciousness". In short, plant fengshui is a discipline that studies how to regulate fengshui through plants from the perspective of fengshui.

The division of evil and good fortune in plants

Planting trees in the courtyard is optional. According to fengshui, plants are divided into two types: auspicious and auspicious. There are two criteria for the division of the assailant: one is to divide it according to whether there is poison gas and venom. Trees that are not upright and dignified in appearance and abnormal in development are fierce. Jishu is determined according to plant characteristics, moral meaning and even homophones, and people tend to share this view in real life.

Speaking of, plants are quite related to fengshui, which are mentioned in many fengshui ancient books, and are excerpted as follows: "every tree is auspicious to the house and evil on the back." "the bamboo and wood on the four sides of the house are green and make money."

To sum up, we can see that the traditional fengshui is very particular about the types of trees near the house and the location of planting, mainly because it will have a great impact on the fengshui of the house.

According to the use of fengshui, plants can be divided into two categories: one is evergreen plants used as "growing and prosperous", such as Luohansong, Jiuli incense, boxwood, evergreen, iron tree, etc., and the other is used as prickly plants, such as cactus. The most auspicious home bonsai tree species include: pine, Jiuli incense, boxwood, Luohan pine, iron tree.

Many friends who have just finished decorating their new home like to put some small green plants at home, which can not only absorb the smell of decoration, but also make the home look more vibrant, but also promote indoor air circulation. However, the display of plants is also taboo, I do not know if you understand. Next, the editor introduces indoor bonsai fengshui.

1, potted plants can not be juxtaposed with the kitchen, let alone facing the kitchen, because the kitchen is fire, too angry, easy to cause potted plants withered and yellow and lack of water.

2. Leafy potted plants should be placed in a sunny place to make the house sunny. And if the plants are withered and yellow and lack of water, they should be pruned immediately and cut off the withered yellow stems and leaves, which will reduce the Yin spirit of the house and increase the luck of the owner.

3. Climbing vines and cacti should not be placed in the home, because these two kinds of plants are too sharp in the course of operation, which will often lead to quarrels and loss of luck among the owners of the house, and lead to unnecessary quarrels and troubles.

4. It is best not to put potted plants in the bedroom. The bedroom is the most active place for the owner of the house, and the health requirement is very high. Different plants have different effects on people's physique, and improper selection of plants will do considerable harm to health. And potted plants belong to Yin, should not be placed in the bedroom, otherwise it is easy to increase bad luck.

5, the choice of potted plants is also very fastidious, should put more leafy potted plants, because the leaves attract wealth, on the contrary, put less of that kind of stake type potted plants, that will make the family lose wealth, leading to the outflow of fertilizer and water.

6. Evening incense, mimosa, lilies and orchids should not be placed at home. Night parties emit a lot of exhaust gas; mimosa is a poisonous plant, and more contact with people will lead to hair loss; and lilies and orchids will release strong fragrance and stimulate people's nerves, resulting in insomnia caused by excitement at night.

7. When choosing the color of potted plants, we often have many choices. Generally from the point of view of color harmony and balance, red and yellow with strong yang are lucky colors, red is generally placed in the south, and the best position of yellow is in the southwest and northeast. In fengshui, white and blue is called a cold color, so plants of this color had better use bright colors as a match.

8. Residents with higher floors are more suitable to raise sunny potted plants because of too much sunshine, such as triangular plum, sweet-scented osmanthus, Michelia, gardenia, jasmine, Milan, cactus, cactus, dragon boat flower, colorful leaf and so on. For these plants, it is best to face southeast when placing flowerpots, because the time of direct sunlight is the most suitable. Low-floor residents, it is best to raise orchids, azaleas, asparagus, hanging orchids, camellias and other shade-tolerant plants.

Five functions of culturing tortoise back bamboo to decorate a new home

Tortoise back bamboo is a kind of green plant with beautiful plant shape and strange leaf shape. it is a famous indoor pot foliage plant. Decorating a pot of tortoise-backed bamboo indoors can have many effects. let's take a look at the specific functions of tortoise-backed bamboo:

1. Decorative function

The large plant shape is personalized and elegant, and the round holes along the texture of the leaves are beautiful and unique, which is suitable for home. Large to the living room, small to the corridor, its elegant and rich charm temperament can bring the role of foil and embellishment, with a strong appreciation.

2. Improve indoor air

This is a kind of plant that purifies the air, which can effectively absorb indoor formaldehyde and other harmful substances. According to the data, it can eliminate 80% of the harmful gases, especially for rooms that have just been decorated. At night, it can absorb carbon dioxide emitted by people, preserve it in the form of organic acids, and decompose it again during the day for photosynthesis. Its advantage is that it does not compete for oxygen with people at night, but improves the sleep environment.

3. Food use

Tortoise back bamboo is a flowering plant, can bear fruit, ripe berries taste sweet, its fragrance such as banana or pineapple, can be used as a fruit to eat, can also be used for cooking. Inflorescences and bracts are also edible.

Tortoise back bamboo

4. Fengshui action

For the placement of tortoise-backed bamboo at home, we must pay attention to the location, that is, the northern land of Renkui water uses tortoise-backed bamboo to do Black Tortoise, specifically, the tortoise-backed bamboo is placed at the door of the study, which can increase official luck. Putting the turtle back bamboo in the old man's bedroom can add happiness and longevity, which is beneficial to the old man.

The entrance to the living room is diagonally diagonal according to the angle of fengshui survey and geography, which should be the fixed financial position of the family. The financial position should be born and live with each other, thus leading to the prosperity of small families. It is best to plant some broad-leaf plants in the financial position, so that you can gather money and vitality. The tortoise back bamboo on the side of the sofa, fortunately, I take good care of it. Every time I have a rest, I will try the dust on it with cloth. Remember, last autumn, I took this turtle to carry bamboo from Vientiane flowers, please go home, green and verdant, replace to be sent.

In addition, the layout of the living room financial position is also very important. If you have money, everything will go well, and the luxuriant bonsai will make your fortune better. Bonsai flowers and leaves should be round and large, especially plants such as rich trees and tortoise-backed bamboos, because these plants symbolize the owner's positive, optimistic and enterprising attitude towards life, and the height of the vase is preferably more than half the height of the house.

5. the collocation of home style.

The decorative style of Chinese style advocates solemnity and elegance, and pays attention to symmetrical beauty. The colors are mainly red and black, which are thick and mature. The quiet and elegant atmosphere is suitable for placing the noble plant elements of the ancient gentleman. Chinese ornamental plants pay attention to "watching its leaves and appreciating its shape", and it is suitable to put soil-attached potted plants at home. Placing a pot of golden marbles with the roots of an old tree at the partition of the screen, or placing a cold plum at the porch, can spread the Chinese style to the extreme. The Chinese people are all about being square and stable, so the broad leaves of the tortoise-backed bamboo just reflect this charm.

The "kitchen garden", which is becoming more and more popular in horticulture, can also be described by floral art in daily life. This increasingly pastoral style is blowing through a variety of home decoration styles. Those common flowers and natural ingredients, after ingenious conception and creative design, have formed a beautiful, practical and affinity combination of flowers and vegetables. Tortoise back bamboo has broad and large leaves, usually it plays the finishing point for other flowers or household ornaments, set off the theme of the role, but will not rob the host.