
What kind of landscape plants are suitable for planting in front of a house?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The influence of plants on fengshui lies not only in the increase of civil water elements, but also in the existence of plants to make fengshui more spiritual and not stagnant. When planting landscape plants at your own door, you need to consider not only the beautification, but also the effectiveness of fengshui. For different levels of housing

The influence of plants on fengshui lies not only in the increase of civil water elements, but also in the existence of plants to make fengshui more spiritual and not stagnant. When planting landscape plants at your own door, you need to consider not only the beautification, but also the effectiveness of fengshui. For different levels of housing, the need for landscape fengshui plants are also different. So, next, let's follow plant fengshui to learn about it!

1. Small rural buildings: the so-called evergreen is no more than three generations poor, but in this modern era, it should be more practical to make their own incense more prosperous and their wealth more prosperous. Planting evergreen on your doorstep can improve the health and wealth at home, and it also lays the foundation for love in the family, so that your boys have a good relationship with the opposite sex from an early age.

2. Cottage: if ginkgo biloba is a cottage courtyard of three or four hundred square meters, you can plant ginkgo trees in your own doorway. Such a ginkgo tree layout can enhance the overall health of the courtyard, so that the whole family is healthy, free from disease, full of energy, and natural wealth. The reason for planting more than one pair is that it can also play a certain role in increasing the wealth and fortune of the house.

3. Sea view room Villa: coconut trees, of course, if you live in sea view room Villa, you must plant coconut trees at your gate. Although there are coconut trees everywhere, after all, it is not a matter in your own fengshui area; planting coconut trees at your door can significantly enhance the degree of fengshui integration, with the help of the majestic fengshui luck of the sea, draw on the useful luck for your own use, and let your fortune go on and on if you have the help of heaven.

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The function of balcony plant fengshui matters needing attention in balcony plant placement

Balcony is now every family will have, but the size of the problem, many people in Eastern Europe will choose to put some plants in the balcony, in fengshui, balcony plant fengshui what is the role? What are the matters needing attention in the placement of balcony plants? Next, let's introduce it to you.

The function of balcony plant fengshui:

In Europe and Japan, balcony landscape is not only a part of indoor environment design, but also a special business card to show the personality cultivation of occupants to the outside world at any time. Relative to the door, the balcony is more open, which is the most critical place for family lighting and ventilation. According to the understanding of fengshui, the balcony is an important outlet for housing, and its layout is related to the health and luck of the whole family, so we should seriously consider the gardening fengshui of the balcony.

The balcony is the most open and vast place in the house, which is closest to nature and can absorb the sunshine, air and wind and rain outside the house. If you want to dissolve the evil spirits outside the house, the balcony is often the first line of defense, and its importance can be imagined. The balcony is affected most directly by the "bad breath" of the outside world, so relative to other spaces, the balcony should follow a certain "fengshui law". Because the balcony is more empty and the sunlight is sufficient, it is suitable for planting all kinds of brightly colored flowers and evergreen plants, and the combination form of hanging pots, flowering plants and ornamental potted plants against the wall can be used to decorate the balcony. Put some flowers and plants on the balcony, in addition to beautifying the environment, there are good effects to improve fengshui.

The most suitable plant for the balcony:

1. Evergreen: belongs to Araceae, with stout stems, thick leaves, green colors, and strong vitality. The big leaves of evergreen spread out, it is like a thick palm stretched out, to the outside to accept gas to receive blessing, has a strong and prosperous effect on fengshui, so the bigger the evergreen leaves, the better and should remain evergreen.

two。 Money tree: the scientific name is gorgeous, the leaves are round and plump, it is easy to grow and exuberant, and it absorbs money from the outside world, which is very conducive to transporting money for the company.

3. Iron tree: also known as dragon blood tree, the most popular on the market is the Brazilian iron tree planted in mud. The leaves of the iron tree are long and narrow, and there are yellow spots in the center. The iron tree means that it is strong, tonifying qi and blood, and it is one of the important and prosperous plants.

4. Palm bamboo: its stem is thin, and the leaves are narrow and long, because the trunk is like palm, and the leaves are like bamboo. Palm bamboo can keep safe on the balcony.

5. Rubber tree: Indian rubber tree with straight trunk, thick and glossy leaves, strong fecundity and easy to grow, suitable for both indoor and outdoor planting.

6. Rich tree: also known as peanut tree, it is characterized by strong stem, long and green leaves, tolerant and easy to grow, full of vitality.

7. Cash cow: long leaves, dark green color, is a shady plant, very rich flavor.

Matters needing attention for balcony plant placement:

Put potted plants on the balcony, broad-leaved potted plants, osmanthus bamboo, etc., but it is not suitable to plant green trees whose leaves are too dense and tall. Big trees outside the house will affect the family fortune. Small potted plants such as small flowers and grass can also be used to decorate the balcony. If each plant grows well, it represents the yang here; if the flowers and plants are always dry and small, it means it is not suitable to plant here, or another green tree should be chosen.

Balcony straight to the kitchen, it is appropriate to put plants in the passage to dispel bad breath, put a pot of golden kudzu there can receive a good fengshui effect.

If the opposite side of the balcony does not form an evil object, do not plant or put prickly plants. Because these plants not only exude a domineering spirit, but also exude a domineering spirit, which will affect people's luck. For example, iron trees, lacquer trees, and so on, can easily cause soreness and even injuries to homeowners on feng shui; coniferous plants such as pine and cypress will make it difficult for homeowners to gather money. The west side of the balcony is not suitable to grow hydroponic plants, because this will lead to financial leakage.

The 28 kinds of plants in the home, the broad-leaved plants are placed on the balcony and the balcony mainly affects the career future of the homeowners, and it is the place where the residence is closest to the outdoors, so it can fully absorb the sunlight, wind and rain outside the house, and is suitable for planting all kinds of evergreen plants, which can not only beautify the environment, but also achieve the effect of prosperity on fengshui. Generally prosperous plants are evergreen, money tree, palm bamboo and so on. Aquatic plants in the porch the most wealth in the home fengshui aquatic plants is a good prop to attract money, take its symbolic significance when it comes to water. The porch is the entrance of a house, also known as Neimingtang in fengshui, so the fengshui of the porch is closely related to the career fortune of the family. If you can put a pot of aquatic plants outside the gate or at the porch, it will help to accumulate money. of course, don't forget to water regularly after putting it, so as to prevent the plants from withering due to lack of water. But do not for the sake of convenience, put fake trees in the door, or put fake flowers in the door, so that not only can not bring good fengshui, but also attract bad fengshui. Fruit potted plants good luck in the home table to put some fruit potted plants also have a better fengshui effect, fruit potted plants symbolize the meaning of a bumper harvest, can bring good luck to the family, but should be taken care of carefully, if there is a fruit after ripening, it should be replaced as soon as possible. Plants with thorns are different from those that thrive in fengshui at home. Plants with evil spirits usually have spines in their stems or flowers and leaves, and they can only be dispelled by thorns, such as cactus, roses, cuckoos, and so on. The evil spirit plant is generally suitable to be placed in places such as windowsill and balcony, but not in the living room and bedroom, which will affect the family relationship and the feelings of husband and wife. Flowers in the bedroom peach blossoms are prosperous and flowers are also suitable to be placed in the bedroom to enhance their own peach blossom luck, because flowers are plants full of vitality and beauty, which can bring people a happy mood and improve their emotional luck. But the bedroom is the place to sleep, do not put too many or too big plants, so as not to affect the quality of sleep. The living room is an important place for family reunion. Inserting some flowers on the coffee table and adding a little fragrance to make the mood happy can not only make the family feel and happy, but also enhance the popularity energy and make the interpersonal relationship better. but because the florescence is short, it should be changed regularly. Do not appear the condition of decay to affect the 28 kinds of plants in the rich and rich family. 1. Rich bamboo living room: the varieties that should be selected in the living room are rich bamboo, good luck, Penglai pine, seven-leaf lotus, wealth tree, money tree, wealth tree, gentleman orchid, orchid, cyclamen, orange, etc. These flowers imply the meaning of good luck and wealth. Fugui bamboo, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens, has dark green leaves and prosperous growth, and is widely cultivated. It is generally used for family bottle or pot care, especially the "tower" shape spread from Taiwan, also known as "Kaiyunzhu", which is of high ornamental value and is very popular in the international market. Second, good luck is the first good luck of the pineapple family flowers, flowers bloom at the top or middle of the plant. At the moment of good luck, the flowers and leaves are full of flowers and leaves, and the flowers are red, with a festive atmosphere. Third, Penglai pine is a perennial evergreen shrub, which is very suitable for potted ornamental plants. Flower beds can also be arranged on warm ground. The utility model has the advantages of simple cultivation and management and good shade resistance, so it is suitable for small and medium-sized pot planting for indoor layout, and it is also an excellent material for flower arrangement. Fourth, seven-leaf lotus has strong cold and drought tolerance, is an evergreen vine shrub with many branches, aerial roots at stem nodes, palmately compound leaves, 7-9 leaflets, long oval, dark green, thin petiole. The flowers are yellowish green, bloom in autumn and winter, berries are red and yellow, and mature in spring. Suitable for courtyard beautification or potted plants. 5. The rich tree is an evergreen tree, with a height of 8-15 meters, and no more than 2 meters planted in pots. Palmately compound leaves, 5-7 leaflets, branches many whorled. The flowers are large, up to 22.5cm, with split petals and bright red, white or yellowish colors. Indoor viewing more pile-landscape potted plants. Money tree is a perennial evergreen herb, is a very rare foliage plant with underground tubers, native to tropical Africa. China was introduced from the Netherlands in 1997 and appeared in Fang Village and Shunde Chen Village in Guangzhou. The leaves of the money tree are thick and bright, just like a string of coins. That's why it gets its name. Seven, the gentleman orchid is a famous greenhouse flower. There are two species introduced from Europe and Japan in China. The former flower is small and drooping, which is called laughing gentleman orchid, while the latter has large and upward flowers, which is called big flower gentleman orchid, which is the most common species cultivated at present. The leaves of Cymbidium are green and glossy, and the flowers are shaped like torches, orange-red, dignified and generous, which is an ideal potted flower to beautify the environment. 8. Orchids belong to Orchidaceae. They are monocotyledons and perennial herbs. 20-40 cm high, roots long tubular. Leaves clustered from stem, linear-lanceolate, slightly leathery, 2-3 pieces in a bunch. Orchid is a traditional Chinese flower, which is famous for its fragrance. With its unique leaves, flowers and fragrance, orchids give people a very noble and elegant image. Ancient and modern celebrities have paid a very high price for it, which has been described as a gentleman in flowers. Cyclamen cyclamen, also known as Rabbit Flower, is a perennial herb of the genus cyclamen of the family Purple Taurus. Cyclamen is a widely cultivated flower, which is suitable for indoor flowerpots and greenhouse in winter. Some cultivated species of cyclamen have strong aroma, while others have light or no aroma. Ten. Kumquat, also known as kumquat, belongs to Rutaceae and is a famous ornamental fruit plant. Especially in Guangdong and Hong Kong, many people buy for good luck during the Spring Festival. Kumquat is an evergreen shrub. Flowers solitary, white, fragrant. Most of the fruits are oval, golden and shiny, and some varieties are edible. 11. Yellow Rose Dining Room: the dining room is the place for the family to get together for dinner. Yellow roses, yellow carnations, yellow Jasminum and other yellow and orange flowers can be used to increase appetite, harmony and warmth so as to promote the health of the family. Rose, known as the flower of love, is a deciduous shrub of the genus Rosa. The stem has spines and has a rich aroma. Yellow rose is the general name of the yellow strain of rose, symbolizing pure friendship and good wishes. 12. Yellow carnations, namely carnations, belong to the carnation family, distributed in temperate Europe and Chinese mainland in Fujian, Hubei and other places. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is one of the most widely used flowers in the world. As a symbol of Mother's Day, pink carnations are often used as flowers dedicated to mothers. Jasminum xanthoides is a trailing shrub with drooping branches and edges. Leaves elliptic or ovate, apex acute. Flowers solitary or several terminal in Cymes. Flowers outside pink. The interior is white, full-bodied and flowering from March to April. It is suitable for courtyard erection and cultivation. Fourteen, asparagus study: the study should be full of scholarly atmosphere, it is best to put flowers in their own Wenchang position. Asparagus, rich bamboo, mangosteen, ivy and so on can be used. These flowers can activate people's thinking and facilitate their study and work. Asparagus, also known as Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii, Phyllostachys pubescens, is a perennial evergreen vine foliage plant, a famous ornamental plant. It is a plant of the genus Tian Men of Liliaceae. Root medicine has the effect of treating acute tracheitis and relieving cough, and has the function of moistening the lung. It is mainly used to observe leaves in potted plants, and it is also an important leaf-cutting material. 15. Mangosteen is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its stems and leaves are like miniature bamboos. The Corolla is as large as a dollar coin. The flowers are white, pink, red and purple. The flowers are single, and the petals are oblong with serrated edges. Six petals are tightly surrounded into a circle, with two stamens shaped like butterfly tentacles in the middle. Fengshui says, the mangosteen flower has the Wangwenchang function, the indoor culture helps the host to play and improve the thinking ability. Ivy is an evergreen woody vine. Ivy is native to Europe, Asia and North Africa. It is very adaptable to the environment. Like the cooler climate, strong cold resistance, can be used as medicine. It is an excellent plant material for three-dimensional greening, which is planted in front of buildings in the south and potted plants in the north. Due to the variety of leaf shape and color, it is often used as a hanging plant to hang on the hall, corridor and scaffolding, and can stand to decorate the corner of the living room and conference room. Small plants can be used as table decorations. Seventeen, hanging orchid bedroom: the bedroom should be clean, serene and warm. Can use hanging orchid, lily, evening fragrant jade, calla lily and so on. It can make the relationship between husband and wife harmonious, and both body and mind can get rest in warmth and quietness. Cymbidium is easy to breed and adaptable, and it is one of the most traditional indoor hanging plants. Its leaves are slender and soft, and small plants are drawn from the axils of the leaves, hanging from the basin, stretching and hanging, like flowers, evergreen all the year round. Cymbidium is the "king of formaldehyde removal" in plants. Eighteen, night incense belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae, perennial bulb flowers. Because of its fragrant flowers, slender stems, soft lines, easy planting and florescence regulation, it is one of the very important cut flowers and the main flower arrangement in bouquets and flower arrangements. Calla lily belongs to the bulb flower of Araceae. Calla is one of the new flowers in recent years, and it is in great demand as a fresh cut flower. Because the calla lily leaves are green, the flower bracts are white and huge, just like the horseshoe, it is an important cut flower at home and abroad, and it has a wide range of uses.

Jasmine jasmine, also known as jasmine, is the general name of evergreen shrubs or lianas belonging to Jasminum of Melilidaceae. It is native to India and Pakistan. It has long been introduced and widely planted in China. Jasmine likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, with emerald green leaves, white flowers and rich aroma, so it is the most common aromatic potted flowers and trees. Jasmine has good health and beauty effects and can be used for diet. It symbolizes love and friendship.

21. Chrysanthemum is a perennial herbaceous flower with erect or semi-trailing stems, pilose and branched. Simple leaves alternate, leaf margin serrated, flowers for the head, born at the top of the stem, rich flowers, flowers of various colors. Chrysanthemum has a strong ornamental, potted varieties or land flowers have a lot to choose from, and can decompose the formaldehyde and xylene produced after decoration.

22. Lotus is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. It is not only colorful, fragrant and overflowing, but also has strong adaptability. It can be widely planted in lakes and magnificent, and it can be potted in vases. Since ancient times, lotus is the precious aquatic flower of palace garden and private garden. It is more and more favored and widely used in modern landscape architecture.

27, cactus if the balcony opposite is evil, can use cactus, rose, sword leaf red, fish tail sunflower, palm bamboo, unicorn tree and other prickly plants to block evil spirits. Cactus belongs to the order Caryophyllaceae and is the national flower of Mexico. Cactus is a succulent perennial. Although a few species live in tropical or subtropical areas, most of them live in dry areas. Cactus flowers are usually large and beautiful and are widely used in ornamental plants. In addition, Rosa roxburghii (cactus fruit) and Cactus (both belong to the genus cactus) are also cultivated for food.

28. Lily is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of Liliaceae, which is mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, such as eastern Asia, Europe, North America and so on. More than 100 varieties have been found in the world, and China is the main place of origin. The main application value of lily lies in ornamental, and some varieties can be used as vegetables for edible and medicinal purposes.

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23. Begonia flower is one of the traditional famous flowers in our country. Begonia flower is chic and unrestrained, blooming like brocade, it has been a famous flower appreciated by both elegant and popular people since ancient times, and it is known as "national beauty". Su Dongpo, a great writer of a generation, was also fascinated by it. "he was only afraid of sleeping late at night, so he burned high candles to shine on red makeup", so Haitang was named "Xie Yuhua".

24. Carnation is one of the traditional famous flowers in China, originated in Northeast China, North China, Yangtze River Basin and Southeast Asia, and is widely distributed. It is distributed almost all over China except in the hotter areas of South China. Gardens can be used in flower beds, flower borders, flower beds or potted plants, as well as rock gardens and lawn edges. Large area planting can be used as landscape ground cover material, in addition, carnation has the ability to absorb sulfur dioxide and chlorine gas, where there is poison gas can be varied. It is also good to watch the cut flowers.

25. Sunflower plants are short, with smooth stems and leaves, rich flowers and long flowering period. It is appropriate to arrange the periphery of the flower bed, or it can be set up as a special kind of flower bed. The whole herb can be used as medicine.

26, sweet-scented osmanthus evergreen all the year round, luxuriant branches and leaves, autumn blossom, fragrance overflowing, can be described as "exclusive three autumn pressure group fragrance". It is widely used in gardens, often as landscape trees, including isolated planting, opposite planting, and forest planting in clumps. Sweet-scented osmanthus has a certain resistance to harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride, and it is also a good green flower in industrial and mining areas. Sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, containing a variety of spice substances, can be used to eat or extract spices.