
Does the orchid plant deeply and shallowly depend on the mood? Then you're naive.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many friends who think that orchids will rot if they grow deep, and the Reed head is exposed or half of it is good, but what is the real situation? According to the editor's experience, it is not true. My friends are afraid that they have nothing to do with orchid planting.

There are many friends who think that orchids will rot if they grow deep, and the Reed head is exposed or half of it is good, but what is the real situation? According to the editor's experience, it is not true. I am afraid my friends do not have any misunderstandings about the cultivation of orchids.

The editor came to correct it. First of all, the Reed head had better not be exposed to the outside. As for the depth or shallowness of the plant, it is mainly determined by the combination of various factors. As for how deep and shallow it is, it is based on the environment, seedling conditions, and planting materials.

The editor believes that first of all, if the variety is good, put an end to the weak species and diseases from the source, and reduce the possibility of rotting roots. The serious point is that the variety is not good, no matter the depth of the rot or will rot. In addition, the ventilation and permeability of the plant material is also better, which is the possibility of preventing decay from the external environment.

There are two cases which are not suitable for shallow planting but suitable for deep planting, one is dry area, the other is coarse granular plant. Therefore, in general, shallow planting may be suitable for areas with high humidity in the south. In the process of planting orchids, friends should keep their eyes open and see where they are located, and then decide whether the orchids are deep or shallow. Fine and soft plants can be planted shallowly, but the actual situation has to be judged by the friends themselves.

Guys, make a point! When you first put it on the basin, you still have to cover the Reed head so as not to let it be exposed. Of course, everything is not absolute, if friends want a high germination rate, Reed head had better be hidden! The Reed head has a high germination rate, and the seedlings will grow strong.

As we all know, the new buds generally germinate near the bottom of the Reed head and upward about 1/3 of the Reed head. If the orchid is planted shallowly, the Reed head sprouts near the basin surface, and the humidity of the basin surface is almost the lowest, so it is not easy to sprout when the humidity is low. When it comes to the germination stage, orchids can only sprout from the bottom of the Reed head with relatively high humidity, which is what we call undersea buds.

It is an indisputable fact that the undersea buds are perishable, because the undersea buds grow in a low position, unearthed slowly, bored in the plant material for a long time, and do not pay attention to watering, so they are perishable. This is the biggest drawback of shallow planting of bluegrass.

To sum up, in general, deep planting will be better for the germination of orchids, how deep is it? The editor suggests that the plant soil should be added to the part of the rhizome transition, and then a layer of loose moss one centimeter thick should be attached to it. of course, friends can also determine the depth according to some conditions of the orchid.