
Use these three species to cultivate flowers, green leaves, oil, effectively prolong flowering, one month, 10 years, no yellow leaves

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, more and more people began to grow flowers for viewing, edifying sentiment, purifying the air and so on. The flower is inseparable from watering, many flower friends usually use tap water to grow flowers, in fact...

With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, more and more people begin to grow flowers for viewing, edifying sentiment, purifying the air and so on.

And what is inseparable from growing flowers is watering. Many flower friends usually use tap water to grow flowers directly. In fact, there is better water than tap water in daily life, and there is a lot of it. Today, flowers will introduce three kinds of water to grow flowers, and the leaves are green. Effectively extend the flowering period for one month, 10 years without yellow leaves!

1 、 Rain Water

Rain Water is formed by many small molecules and some micro elements, which can be said to be rich in nutrients, and Rain Water is slightly acidic, which can change the acidity of the soil, make plants grow better, flourish, and reduce soil consolidation.

When it rains, put a big bucket outside to collect Rain Water, take some supernatant every time you water the flowers, you can drop a few drops of ferrous sulfate to improve the water quality, and the watering effect is better.

2. Condensed water

Condensed water is a kind of water quality similar to "soft water", that is, what we usually call air-conditioned water, very clean, no pollution, irrigated pot soil, will not harden, can also be directly sprayed on the branches and leaves, can make the plant more exuberant, the leaves green and glossy, prolong the flowering period for about 10 days.

In the high temperature environment in summer, we turn on the air conditioner every day and put a small bucket in the outlet of the condensing pipe. every time we turn on the air conditioner, condensed water will flow out and we will be able to grow flowers.

3. Fish tank water

Some flower friends raise not only flowers and plants at home, but also some fish, symbolizing more than one year after year, wealth and peace, etc., and every time they change water for the fish tank, the fish tank water is particularly suitable for growing flowers and plants, and the water contains substances such as fish excrement, which is a very good nutrient. Using this kind of water to grow flowers saves even fertilizing.

This is the end of the introduction of three kinds of water. Flower friends have other additions. You can share them with you in the comment area below. If you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flower fairies!