
This flower is a balcony, a small medicine box, and a little water will burst. Anyone can grow it.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, For many flowers in the family, summer is like a robbery. If you are not careful, the flowers in the family will have to die, but there is such a kind of flower that the hotter the weather is, the more prosperous it grows, and the pot can burst in minutes! Moreover, this kind of flower can also reduce fire and moisturize the lungs.

To many flowers in the house, summer was like going through a tribulation. If they weren't careful, the flowers in the house would hang up. However, there was such a flower. The hotter the weather, the more prosperous it grew. It could explode in minutes! Moreover, this kind of flower can also lower fire and moisten lung. It is simply a small medicine box on the balcony! Can you guess what the flowers are? Peppermint, of course!

Mint summer so raised, 10 days can be full basin!

1. Sufficient light

Only by giving mint enough light can it burst as soon as possible. Home has south balcony or south windowsill flower friends, can put mint on the south balcony or terrace with good light, home has yard, throw it directly into the yard!

2. Sufficient water

If you give mint enough sunlight every day, the moisture must keep up. Summer weather is hot, basically pouring water once a day, or pouring water once a day in the morning and evening is enough. Usually, when you have nothing to do, you can also take a small watering can and spray water directly on the mint leaves to ensure that the mint grows more vigorously!

3. Occasionally add fertilizer

Many people think that the mint at home is not too long, so it is better to add some fertilizer to it, such as compound fertilizer at home, slow-release fertilizer particles, mixed in water directly to mint watering, can also be buried in the edge of the flower pot, away from the root system, so that mint can grow as quickly as possible!

4. Pinch the heart and pinch the tip

Poor lighting or other factors at home can easily lead to mint overgrowth. After discovering that the mint at home grows, we should quickly pick the heart and pinch the tip, so that the height should not exceed 15cm as much as possible, and soon the lateral branches can grow, and the pot will burst in minutes!

Pinch a mint branch casually, 5 days out of the white root!

Do not throw away the mint branches that are usually pruned. Take them directly for cuttage. After 1 month, you can harvest a large pot of mint again!

1. Find a bottle of water, trim the mint branches, dry the wound and throw them into the bottle. Note that the lower end of the branch should touch the water slightly.

2, the summer weather is hot, basically only 3-5 days, the cuttage mint can emerge white roots.

3. Wait until the root system of mint grows long, and then prepare to transplant it into the pot soil.

4. Transfer the rooted mint branches to the soil. Start 3-5 days, it is best to put it in a good place to diffuse light slowly, then you can let it direct the sun, and then according to the big water sun maintenance, soon can burst basin!

What about mint yellow leaves and scorched leaves?

The most common problem in the process of raising mint is yellow leaves and scorched leaves.

1, mint leaf edge yellow: lack of potassium fertilizer

If the mint at home, the leaves appear spots, and the edges of the leaves are yellow and dry, it is basically potassium deficiency.


If this happens to the blades, we'll spray 02.% on the blades. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, basically very quickly can recover.

2. There are black spots on the back of mint leaves: red spiders

If there are large black spots on the back of mint leaves, it is basically infected with red spiders.


Prepare 2 tablespoons of detergent +1 tablespoon of vegetable oil mixed with water evenly, directly spray several times on the front and back of mint leaves, you can kill red spiders!

How can dying mint be saved?

Summer weather is hot, a little careless, the mint at home looks like it will die.

1. If the mint at home is sunburned, or because of lack of water, the leaves appear to wither in a large area, then you can only be ruthless and shave the mint!

2. Cut off all the yellow withered leaves and branches with scissors, start pruning about 2-3cm above the pot soil, and cut the whole pot of mint bald.

3. As long as the root system of mint is intact, it basically only takes about 10 days, and the bald mint can re-sprout and grow new leaves!

4, if mint has appeared rotten root phenomenon, then can only repair the root to change the pot to change the soil.

(Photo by: Zhui Feng's Milo)

5. Remove the mint from the basin, then cut off all the rotten parts of the root system, leaving only healthy root systems, and soak them in the carbendazim solution for 20 minutes to achieve the purpose of sterilization.

6. Put the dried healthy roots back into the pot. Put it in a cool and ventilated place for 1-2 weeks. After the mint grows new leaves, transfer it to the sun.

Mint so eat, clear heat taste great!

Summer heat, if the family raised mint flower friends, it can really have a good taste! Take a look at those fancy mints!

1. Mint tea

The most common function of mint is to make tea! Pick a few leaves, throw them into hot water, soak them for 10 minutes and drink them!

2. Mint scrambled eggs

If you pick a lot of mint leaves, why don't you make a scrambled egg and eat it! The mint was refreshing, the eggs were soft, and it felt like drooling!

3. Crispy fried mint leaves

Wash the mint leaves clean, add some noodles and fry them in an oil pan. With a glass of beer, it's simply delicious!

What are the varieties of mint?

There are many mint varieties, many flower friends are not very good to distinguish. Today, Huahua will take you to have a look, what kind of mint is your home?

1. Mint

It's usually found in the wild or on the side of the road. The taste of earth mint is a mint green gas, eat relatively cool.

2. spearmint

The most common flower market is selling spearmint. Spearmint is a common ingredient in toothpaste and tastes like chewing gum.

3. Peppermint

Peppermint has a light pepper flavor, cool and strong, many flower friends also like this taste!

4. Apple mint

Apple mint has an apple sweetness, looks like a touch, but there is still a difference between the taste and touch.

5. Candy mint

Mint, the most beautiful mint in the mint family, is generally used as mint candy fruit.

That's all for Huahua today!

What other mint have you raised?

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