
Is it just a cover for variable frequency air conditioners to save power? The electricity bill goes up in summer. I really got kicked in the head by a donkey.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Air conditioning is really too important in summer. In such a hot summer, air conditioning can save lives. When we buy air conditioners, we have to consider comprehensively. One is to save electricity and the other is easy to use. These two points are almost in line with each other.

Summer air conditioning is really too important, such as such a hot summer key time or air conditioning can save lives, we buy air conditioning, are to consider comprehensively, one is to save electricity, the other is easy to use, these two points almost meet, basically no problem, there are many types of air conditioning now, but most of them are divided into inverter air conditioning and fixed frequency air conditioning these two kinds, have known, many businesses say inverter air conditioning than fixed frequency air conditioning to save a lot of electricity, But I don't know if my family bought it wrong or if it's just a cover.

Inverter air conditioning power saving is just a cover? Electricity bills go up in summer! I've been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Ever since I bought a new inverter air conditioner, the electricity bill cost several hundred degrees in the summer. It really scared me. Later, I learned that the inverter air conditioner did not save electricity, but did not turn on for a certain time. The fixed-frequency air conditioner would always maintain a frequency of work. For a long time, it would consume electricity. The longer the inverter air conditioner was turned on, the more electricity it saved.

Inverter air conditioning power saving is just a cover? Electricity bills go up in summer! I've been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Knowing this point, I deeply feel that I have been cheated. We can't always turn it on on weekdays. We only have time after work. When we go to bed, we can't always turn it on, so we can't reach the time of inverter air conditioning to save electricity. Finally, we waste more electricity frequently.

Inverter air conditioning power saving is just a cover? Electricity bills go up in summer! I've been kicked in the head by a donkey.

A lot of businesses are like this, and will not tell you to open for a long time will save electricity, save electricity in time, you open for such a long time, power consumption is also very terrible, so, although you bought inverter air conditioning, save electricity bills are also very few, if we open air conditioning at home time is not much, then you can choose fixed frequency, that is much better than frequency conversion.

Inverter air conditioning power saving is just a cover? Electricity bills go up in summer! I've been kicked in the head by a donkey.