
You deserve to have these longevity flower cuttings. Hurry up and make up the lesson.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the editor's impression, the longevity flower is the same as the sunflower, with extremely indomitable vitality. In fact, this is true, there are many ways to reproduce longevity flowers, but in order to reduce the workload of friends, the editor.

In the editor's impression, the longevity flower is the same as the sunflower, with extremely indomitable vitality. In fact, this is true, there are many ways to reproduce longevity flowers, but in order to reduce the workload of friends, the editor chose one that is easier to operate for your reference.

The best time for longevity flower cutting is from May to June or from September to October, when cutting is easy to survive and has the best effect. What is the specific operation of cutting? First of all, choose mature fleshy stems, friends remember not to use thin branches to cut, the survival rate is not high. Secondly, cut 5-6 cm long, then insert it in the sand, and cover it with a thin film after watering. After doing this, place the basin in an environment with the right temperature, the best temperature range is between 15 and 20 degrees.

Of course, you can also choose to use leaf cuttings, friends can take off the strong and thick leaves, wait for the wound to slowly dry, flat or oblique in the sand. Keep the sand humid and let the leaves sprout slowly.


The media of cutting can not be careless, which is related to whether the branches can take root. The editor suggests that it is best to use net yellow sand, sandy loam or nutrient soil as the medium, not only that, but also to disinfect the medium, which can be disinfected with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution.

If it is inserted directly into the media, the insertion depth is also required, preferably with 1amp 2 or 2pm 3. After compaction, friends should water thoroughly at one time, do not water too much, otherwise it is easy to make succulent stems or leaves rot, then it is necessary to start all over again.

There is no strong light on the succulent stem that has just been cut, so it is best to put it under the condition of astigmatism and there is no need to fertilize it.

There is also the problem of the incision, the upper incision needs to be flat and the lower incision can be oblique, which can be used to prevent the loss of moisture from the upper incision resulting in cutting failure.

Finally, it should be noted that after the new axillary buds and leaves grow, they can be transplanted.