
After being in foster care for 30 families, he broke out: renting a villa, growing plants, 25 cats and living alone.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Like most people, I have been renting since I graduated in April. But my friends and I adhere to the belief that the house is rented, but life is our own. As a result, each move will take a period of time, meticulous.

Like most people, I have been renting since I graduated in April. But my friends and I adhere to the belief that the house is rented, but life is our own.

As a result, each move will take a period of time, carefully arranged. Although I will be very tired, I will be full of sense of achievement every time I see my own achievements.

But compared with a friend in April, my small achievements are simply not worth mentioning. He rented a four-story villa in Hangzhou, moved the botanical garden and pool into his home, and raised 25 cats and a dog. He lived alone.

Today, take Nimeng to his house to pet the cat.

Sunny co-shear window

Sunny co-shear window

Cheng Bi


{Shaoyao girl Vol.824}


Come on, pet the cat.

For the transformation of rental housing, some people will raise objections, the rented house can live freely, spending money to renovate is a waste.

But Dust deliberately didn't think so. he not only changed it, but also knocked on the wall and moved the botanical garden and pool into his home. 25 cats, a dog and a person lived comfortably.

Chen Youxin is a perfumer who graduated from the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts and went to the UK to study odor therapy. Four years ago, he returned to Hangzhou and found the house.

It is located in Hangzhou Xihu District, the junction of the city and scenic spots, but also near his alma mater, the Academy of Fine Arts, the natural environment is very good, but also with two courtyards, it is rare. The dust fell in love with it at a glance and rented it as his home and studio.

The house is about 400 square meters, with a total of four floors

Over the past four years, it has been trimmed five times, large and small.

The rent is 10,000 a month, and the renovation costs about 300000.

On the first floor is the incense studio.

There are two courtyards in the north and south, and the entrance is in the north courtyard

As soon as you come in, you can see through the whole house at a glance.

The atrium was originally sealed.

He knocked down three walls and made a sunroof.

Bring in the natural light from the outside

The whole room becomes a sunny room.

There's a very large cement table in the middle.

It's a dusty office space.

The bookshelf next to it is sometimes a giant cat crawl shelf.

The north side of the second floor is also an office area.

The south side is specially reserved for cats.

There is a 4-meter floor-to-ceiling window

Both cats and dogs like to bask in the sun here in winter.

The third floor is his living space.

The room on the north side is 6 meters high.

Halfway across, the attic will serve as a bedroom.

On the south side of the third floor, a lounge is set up.

Friends can stay here if they come.

Dust has been very fond of plants since childhood. There are 40 or 50 kinds of plants planted in the southern courtyard, most of which are Eucalyptus, pine and lemon. It is also the same taste at home, which is very fresh and has the effect of deworming.

Aromatic plants include citronella, rosemary and thyme.

Can be used to extract essential oils.

Grow some wall-climbing plants in the north courtyard

Generally speaking, the florescence of wisteria is March or April.

The one in his yard is more casual and opens in June every year.

He also put some primitive wood in the house.

Make tables and chairs.

He said that whenever the body touches it,

I think of the feeling of sitting on a branch when I was a child.

If you want to talk about the favorite space in this house, it must be the atrium. In the original design, he simulated the atrium as an indoor plant world.

White sand, gravel

With a few evergreen plants

It has the smell of dry mountains and rivers.

The glass sunroof at the top of the atrium

It allows outdoor light to enter the room directly.

More importantly, it allows plants to carry out good photosynthesis.

There is also a diversion canal on the top of the sun.

There is a water system indoors with fish and turtles in it.

When it rains, the sound of rain can be heard here

Rain Water infiltrated into the water through the soil.

To form a unique little world.

Cats and dogs like to lie here, too.

Occasionally tease the fish in the pool.

In fact, in the beginning, Dust had no intention of raising so many cats. He only raised three Garfield cats. Later, his friends put the cats they could not keep and the stray cats they found on his side, and the number of cats became more and more, and now there are a total of 25!

The first three cats belong to the Fu generation.

More festive, called Fuli, Fulai, Furong

Then the name slowly extends to the food.

For example, the color of Mimi is called loose meat.

The one with black in white is called tangyuan and hemp.

The first thing you do when you get up every day

Is to pet cats and shovel shit for them.

The amount of shoveling shit of 25 cats is astonishing.

Eat 30 kilograms of cat food a month

More than 10 kilograms of feces are shoveled out every day.

Many people are worried about the problem of cat hair loss, and the dust is willing to solve it.

He set up a lot of purifiers in the house.

Cure the cat hair in the air

The hair on the ground is opened regularly with a sweeping robot.

As for the dog Awoo, it's the Weimar hound he adopted last year.

A woo got a terminal disease when he was a child and was abandoned by his master.

The dust is pitiful to see it and wants to save it as much as possible.

He has been treated in the hospital for three months and is almost cured.

In order to avoid fighting between cats and dogs

He separates the living space of cats and dogs.

So the dog moves on the first floor, the cat stays upstairs and rarely comes down.

Of course, there are more daring cats that can beat dogs.

Many people must think that it is either careless or too much money to pay so much attention to a rented house. In fact, Dust spends great efforts to create a comfortable home because of his childhood experience of being in foster care.

When I was young, Dust's thoughtful parents did business and were so busy with their work that they had little time to take care of him and his sister, so they often placed us in the homes of all kinds of relatives and friends. Before the age of 18, he had lived in more than 30 foster families, and it was difficult for him to have personal space or pets.

The foster care experience of his childhood made him very sensitive to the changes in the surrounding environment, and different families had different tastes, which became the creative inspiration of the perfumer.

Once a foster family lived in an old house in Hangzhou

There is a fig tree in the yard

The smell of being soaked by Rain Water

Is all the memories of his childhood.

Make incense, candles, dried flowers

It's all a way for Dust to keep his memory.

It's also a cure for yourself.

When he is alone, he will light some candles

Do something that you can't hold on to normally.

Like keeping a diary.

Weekend evenings

Friends will come to dinner and watch movies.

Many people feel that it is not worth paying too much attention to a rented house, but his childhood foster care experience makes him especially pursue the stability of his family. Even temporary accommodation should be in the most comfortable state.

Today, cats and dogs are even more inseparable from home. Even if they go far away, they still think of them in their hearts.

Maybe some people want to say that he has money, he can rent a big house, and he can spend a lot of money to transform it into what he likes.

But April feels that the attitude towards life has nothing to do with money. Even if it is a home of ten square meters, you can spoil yourself with things you like.

People who love life.

Even if there is no money to buy and rent a villa

But it can also turn ordinary life into poetry.