
Can you pronounce more than 5 names of these plants? knowledge has increased.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, A name, a label, is the beginning of understanding things, and for understanding plants, names can not only save a series of descriptions of plants, but also over and over again when associating names with their morphological characteristics.

A name, a label, is the beginning of understanding things, and for understanding plants, names can not only save a series of descriptions of plants, but also revisit the plant over and over again when associating names with their morphological characteristics.

It is said that Chinese culture is broad and profound, and Chinese character culture is no exception. We are used to many plant names but actually mispronounce them; there are some plant names with polysyllabic characters, and we are confused about which sound to pronounce; and some plant names are complicated and rare. Today, let's focus on these plant names that we don't know or often mispronounce.

A fallen pit.

[chained ng li]


Tamarix chinensis

How beautiful this strange willow is!

[baked lags]

Ficus pumila

Ficus pumila

Do you know how to make cold noodles with the fruits of Thunderbolt?

[clockwise ng Centro]

Sorrel grass

Oxalis corniculata

This fried soy sauce grass is not as good as safflower!

[y è gestern]

Shoot dry

Belamcanda chinensis

You can't call it [sh è] to dry [Grunn] ~

Obscure words

[X xiaxiann]


Sigesbeckia orientalis

If it hadn't been for this plant, I wouldn't have known the word for the rest of my life. It's really not good-looking. No wonder Linnai gave it a Latin name after his nemesis.

Carl von Linnay, a Swedish biologist, was born in Smolan, Sweden. The founder of animal and plant double naming (binomial nomenclature). I loved flowers from an early age. He has traveled to European countries, visited famous botanists and collected a large number of plant specimens. He first proposed the species classification of realms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera and species, which has been adopted by people so far.

[Z è ng]

Climb down the retort

Patrinia villosa

It is estimated that the ancients would have recognized the name of this plant, because the retort is a kind of earthen ware for steaming rice in ancient times.


Rabdosia angustifolia

Gnaphalium japonicum

As soon as it is said that Jiu is the surname and changed by Ju, it is actually Jiuqu. Today's Jane wrote Jiuqu, and the ancients used the yellow of Jiuqu to describe the color of chrysanthemum.

[K "zh"]

Bitter oyster

Physalis angulata

Personally, I feel that no matter how I look at this word, I can't write it down silently. Most of the time, it is written as "hard work".

[P é ng l é I]


Rubus hirsutus

It is difficult to distinguish the genus Rubus. Why are there such difficult words to read? it's too difficult. It's really hard.

[J Jingruua]

Sweet potato

Tacca leontopetaloides

The flowers of the whole genus Amorphophallus look like tiger moustache, which is another name for the genus Amorphophallus, and then there is a plant of the genus Piperaceae called pseudopodium, killing three birds with one stone.


Allium macrostemon

Allium macrostemon

You say it's good for an unrecognizable plant to have an easy-to-recognize alias, but this guy's alias is not, and it's even more difficult to recognize.

[tu ó w ú]

Ligularia palmata

Ligularia przewalskii

I have been thinking about why there are so many difficult plant names in Compositae, and then I think about it. After all, there are so many spicy species in Compositae, and probability has stopped this thinking.

[J í centri]

Chinese cabbage

Celtis sinensis

Houttuynia cordata Thunb is the root of Houttuynia cordata, which is named Houttuynia cordata.

[M á ng]




Geranium wilfordii

Polyphonic character




The fruits of Fagaceae plants have shell appendages, such as chestnuts of the genus Fagaceae, and the outer layer of material, while reading qi à o, not k é, you might as well think of golden cicadas shelling.




It is estimated that few people will notice that the word sa is a polysyllabic character. In addition to the [sh words] that we are used to, there is also a pronunciation of [su words]. The picture above shows the windmill grass of the genus Cyperaceae.

[Zhu ú]

Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz

Atractylodes macrocephala

Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz (Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz) is a common traditional Chinese medicine, and its pronunciation is wayward not to read sh milk.



Capsella bursa-pastoris

Don't say anything, you all know shepherd's purse, right?

[B í qi]

Water chestnut

Eleocharis dulcis

Here I read qi again, because the edible part is shaped like a horse's hoof, also known as a horse's hoof.

[Li á n Qi á o]

Forsythia suspensa

Forsythia suspensa

To put it weakly, there must be a lot of people who read Forsythia suspensa as Lian [Qiqiongo].


Lankao paulownia

Paulownia elongata

Paulownia plants are bulging and loose, so reading [paulownia] couldn't be more correct.

[Qi á n]


Urtica fissa

Urticaceae Urticaria genus urticaria, all read [Qi á n], while urticaria study [xhost n]


Chinese fir

Cunninghamia lanceolata

Simply wayward to the extreme, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Cryptomeria fortunei and Cunninghamia lanceolata all read [shallown], but Cunninghamia lanceolata belongs to Cunninghamia lanceolata.


Park Shu

Celtis sinensis

[paired] Tree, no! [Pi á o] tree, even more wrong! It's supposed to be a tree, not a broken tree.

Brain insight notation

[Q í]

Osmunda japonica

Osmunda japonica

Hello, everyone, I am not the Deng Ziqi who can sing!

[su lu ó]

Alsophila spinulosa

Alsophila spinulosa

Hello, everyone. I'm not the Thoreau who wrote about Walden!

[Luhabxun f stories]

Fall into a bride

Astilbe chinensis

Hello, everyone, I am not the newlywed who can weave the web!

[K li à n]

Melia azedarach

Melia azedarach

Hello everyone, please don't fall in love with me, my flowers are very fragrant!