
Muggy and uncomfortable in dog days? Then eat more melons to detoxify and dehumidify.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, As soon as it comes to dog days, it is irritable and stuffy and has no appetite! But it doesn't matter, just eat more melons, what cucumbers, watermelons, towel gourd, pumpkin, any melon, are good detoxification, dehumidification, today Huahua will teach us how to eat.

As soon as it comes to dog days, it is irritable and stuffy and has no appetite! But it doesn't matter, just eat more melons, what cucumbers, watermelons, towel gourd, pumpkin, any melon, is a good detoxification, dehumidification, today Huahua will teach everyone how to eat melon!

Eat cucumbers in dog days-- clearing away heat and detoxification

Cucumber benefits

Cucumbers are crisp and refreshing, rich in cellulose and vitamins. Eating cucumbers in summer can not only clear away heat and detoxification, strengthen the brain and calm the mind, but also an appetizer. For women, it also helps to lose weight.

Recommended recipe: cucumber mixed with flour peel


1. Wash and slice the fresh cucumbers.

2. Mix with mashed garlic, sesame oil and chili oil to make juice.

3. Soak the mung bean powder skin in clear water, take it out after 15 minutes, and boil it soft in boiling water.

4. Cut the cooked vermicelli into strips, mix them with cucumbers and pour in the ingredients. Crisp and appetizing cucumber mixed with vermicelli is ready!

Eat wax gourd in dog days-- removing dampness and resolving phlegm

Benefits of wax gourd

Wax gourd is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin B12, can remove moisture, detoxification and phlegm, diuresis and edema, the most suitable for hot and humid days to eat.

Recommended recipe: wax gourd soup


1. Preparation materials: wax gourd, shredded ginger, chopped onions

2. Put a small amount of oil in the pan and heat it to 7 minutes. Saute the shredded ginger until fragrant.

3. Put the sliced wax gourd in a frying pan, add salt and stir-fry until ripe.

4. Add water, cover, simmer for 7 minutes, sprinkle chopped onions before coming out of the pot and decorate.

Eat towel gourd in dog days-- brain and beauty

Towel gourd benefits

Loofah is cool and helps to clear stomach fire; it is rich in B vitamins, which can strengthen the brain, especially for the elderly and children; eating more towel gourd can also be anti-allergic and good for the skin.

Recommended recipe: Sautéed Sponge Gourd


1. Preparation materials: towel gourd, pepper, garlic, ginger, salt.

2. Wash, peel and cut towel gourd into small pieces. Shred chili, spring onion, ginger and garlic.

3. Stir-fry in the pan until 7 is ripe, pour in shredded onions, minced garlic and chili peppers, saute until fragrant, then pour in towel gourd, stir evenly, and season with salt before leaving the pan.

Eat papaya in dog days-digestion and eczema

Benefits of papaya

Papaya warm, taste a little sour, can promote digestion, promote absorption, rich in carotene, vitamin C, eczema friends can eat more, the skin will become white.

Recommended recipe: orange juice papaya


1. Preparation materials: papaya, orange, sugar

2. Wash the fresh papaya, cut it in half, empty the seeds in the middle, and cut half of the papaya into thin slices.

3. Squeeze the orange into juice, then add 2 tablespoons of sugar, stir well, and pour on the papaya slices. A cool and delicious orange juice papaya is ready, and you can sprinkle a few black sesame seeds on it to decorate!

Eat watermelon in dog days-- Shengjin to quench thirst

Benefits of watermelon

The most popular fruit in summer is Shuilingling's big watermelon, which is the only choice for clearing heat and relieving summer heat, invigorating body and thirst. Cut it in half and eat it with a spoon.

Watermelons are delicious no matter how they are eaten, and even the peels of watermelons can be salad, stir-fried and porridge. But Huahua is here to remind you not to eat too much at once, or you will have diarrhea.

Eat pumpkin in dog days-detoxify and nourish the stomach

Pumpkin benefits

Pumpkins are rich in vitamins and pectin, which can protect the stomach from stimulation, and pectin can also eliminate the accumulated toxins in the body, so eating more pumpkins in summer can play a good detoxification and stomach effect.

Recommended recipe: Pumpkin Porridge


1. Preparation materials: pumpkin, rice, millet

2. Wash the rice and millet, put them into the rice cooker and boil them with water.

3. Wash the pumpkin, peel and dice the pumpkin. After the water is boiled, put it into the pot and stir it while boiling until the pumpkin is boiled. The delicious Pumpkin Porridge is ready.

Flower friends, have you eaten melons this summer?

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