
The technique of interplanting Maize with High stubble in Wheat

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The technique of interplanting Maize with High stubble in Wheat

The technique of leaving high stubble during wheat harvest and returning wheat straw to the field. It is suitable for interplanting corn or other summer sowing crops before wheat harvest in North and Northwest China, animal husbandry is more developed, and corn straw or other summer sowing crops are mostly used as feed. The technology is mature and has been widely popularized in Shandong Jiaodong and Shanxi Yuncheng area.

1. Operating procedures

(1) interplanting corn or other summer crops 10 to 15 days before wheat harvest. When the wheat is harvested, the corn emerges.

(2) when wheat is harvested, the stubble height of mechanical or manual harvesting should be increased, which is generally 20cm to 25cm. Cover the wheat straw and wheat bran evenly between the rows of corn.

(3) if there is no rain within 10 days after wheat harvest, mid-tillage should be carried out in combination with summer seedling management; if the rainy season comes early after wheat harvest, stubble may not be wiped out. In the land with irrigation conditions, the whole seedling water should be watered once after wheat harvest to accelerate the decay of straw.

(4) if there is less rain and poor decomposition of wheat stubble during the growing period of the next summer crop, and when the summer crop is ploughed after harvest, 1% pure nitrogen of dry straw should be applied.

(5) if the stubble is high, the pest is serious, so it should be controlled in time.

(if the way of replanting summer corn is adopted instead of interplanting, the high stubble of wheat is 20-46 cm, and the corn is planted in the row, and then the corn is whirled with a rotary tiller, the corn seed rotates the human soil with rake teeth, and the high stubble of wheat is cut off to cover the surface, so that the corn is sown and the high stubble of wheat is returned to the field.