
Field Management Technology of Aloe Vera planted in the ground

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Field Management Technology of Aloe Vera planted in the ground

After the aloe vera was planted and turned green, it entered the normal cultivation management. In the process of field management, scientific management is carried out according to the biological characteristics and habits of aloe. This period is a key and important period for the whole growth of aloe. The yield and quality of aloe are determined in this period.

1. The appropriate temperature (15-28 ℃) and humidity (75%-85%) needed to maintain the growth of aloe.

(1) greenhouse.

If the minimum indoor temperature is less than 8 ℃ in winter, the temperature should be increased. Summer sunshade (70% of the sunshade net) and cooling, the vents should be as wide as possible. The opening degree of the vents in spring and autumn is controlled according to the weather and indoor temperature. Winter must also be properly ventilated and ventilated.

(2) plastic greenhouse.

Timely increase the cover of cold-proof grass and so on, other management can see greenhouse management methods.

(3) Open field.

If possible, simple rain-proof and cooling facilities can be built on the aloe planting bed.

2. Irrigation (watering) and drainage.

The amount of irrigation water and the times of irrigation are mainly controlled according to the dry and wet soil, weather and seedling conditions. As far as the whole year is concerned, the temperature in spring and summer is high, evaporation is large, aloe grows fast, and irrigation should be done frequently. After the Beginning of Autumn, he gradually reduced the number of irrigation and the amount of water.

(1) irrigating (watering).

Each irrigation should be thoroughly irrigated. If only the epidermis is irrigated each time, a "dry interlayer" is left between the upper and lower layers, which is very harmful to root development. As far as soil quality is concerned, the irrigation times of clay is less than that of sand.

Irrigation time, in the middle of the day, summer should be irrigated in the morning and evening, because the difference between water temperature and soil temperature is small, will not affect the activity of the root system. If summer is at noon when the sun is strong, irrigation often burns the stems of the tender stems, which is even more serious for the seedlings. It should be watered around noon in winter, because the temperature is higher and watering will not affect the cooling. Generally pour dilute liquid fertilizer and water instead of pure water in winter.

(2) drainage.

Greenhouse (greenhouse) due to the plastic film rainproof, generally will not cause a lot of stagnant water, but to prevent Rain Water backflow. Drainage is aimed at aloe cultivated in the open field, according to the weather and precipitation, timely exclusion of Rain Water, do not cause stagnant water, so as to avoid rotten roots and leaves. If often affected by precipitation leaching and stagnant water, it will lead to the occurrence of black spot or pandemic.

3. Topdressing in time.

In order to promote plant growth, it is necessary to topdressing in time, mainly mature organic fertilizer (cake liquid fertilizer, human feces and urine, etc.), combined with some inorganic fertilizer. Topdressing determines the amount and concentration of fertilizer application according to plant size and growth period. In principle, give less and give diligently.

Fertilization methods include ditch application, hole application and irrigation into the ground, as well as irrigation. If it is dry manure (fertilizer) or granular inorganic fertilizer, after ditch or hole application, they should be turned into the topsoil through intermediate ploughing, and then irrigated immediately.

Fertilizer application amount: spring and autumn is the peak season for the growth of aloe, the appropriate amount of fertilizer application is more and more frequently; the amount of fertilizer application in summer and winter is small, the number of times is less. Especially in winter, the amount should be small. The amount and frequency of fertilizer application of adult aloe is much larger than that of seedling and old aloe.

The application concentration of organic liquid fertilizer should be diluted 6-15 times, and inorganic liquid fertilizer 0.1%-0.2%.

4. Ploughing.

Mid-tillage can loosen the topsoil, cut off the air circulation in the soil, promote the decomposition of organic matter in the soil, and create good conditions for the normal growth of roots and absorption of nutrients. While ploughing, it can also be combined with weeding. In the absence of weeds, loosen the soil or cultivate the soil once after each irrigation.

In the seedling stage, because most of the surface is exposed to the sun, in addition to the soil surface is easy to dry, weeds also multiply quickly, so weeds should be ploughed and weeded frequently.