
Cultivation techniques of green amaranth

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of green amaranth

1. Cultivation season

Cultivated from spring to autumn. Spring sowing bolting and flowering is late and the quality is tender. Sowing in summer and autumn is easy to bolting and flowering, and the quality is rough and old. The sowing time is from April to June in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and from late July to early August in autumn. The temperature in South China is relatively high, and seeds can be sown from February to August. The seeds were sown from late February to late August in southwest China and from late April to early September in North China. With the wide application of plastic greenhouse and plastic film technology, it can be sowed and listed in advance.

two。 Land selection and land preparation

The soil with flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation and less weeds should be selected for planting. Ploughing depth 15-20 cm, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, fine flat soil surface, make a flat bed about 1.5 meters wide, ready to sow.

3. Sowing seeds

Green amaranth cultivated in open field can be sown from late February to early October. Green amaranth is cultivated in plastic greenhouse and can be sown all the year round. The sowing method is mostly sowing, and the sowing method is solid after sowing. Because of the low temperature, the seedling emergence is poor in early spring, so the sowing rate is 3-5 kg per mu, 2 kg per mu in late spring and 1 kg per mu in autumn.

If the main purpose is to feed on tender stems, seedling transplanting can be carried out and the plant row spacing is 30 cm × 35 cm.

4. Field management

The main results are as follows: (1) the basic fertilizer is generally mixed with 15002000 kg of mature human feces and 2000 kg of mature human feces per mu and 15 kg of superphosphate, which is evenly mixed with the topsoil. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, topdressing should be carried out many times. It takes 7-12 days for sowing in early spring and 3-5 days for green amaranth in late spring and autumn. Generally speaking, the first fertilizer is applied when the seedlings have 2 true leaves, and the second fertilizer is applied after 10-12 days. In the future, topdressing is one time for every harvest. The main type of fertilizer is nitrogen fertilizer, which can apply 15002000 kg of thin human feces and urine and 5kg of urea per mu each time.

(2) watering amaranth has certain drought resistance, but sufficient water supply is the guarantee of high yield and high quality, so the field should always be kept moist. In general, combined with topdressing, dilute dung water is used instead of watering, and clear water is no longer irrigated alone. However, if there is a drought, irrigation will be carried out. In case of rain and waterlogging, timely drainage and waterlogging prevention.

(3) the fundamental way to control weeds is to select plots with few weeds to plant green amaranth. If weeds occur, you can pull them out by hand. This work is usually carried out at the time of harvest.

(4) the main disease of pest control is white rust, which began to occur in early June and was serious under the condition of high temperature and humidity. Yellow disease spots appeared on the leaves of the diseased plants, and white spores were formed on the back of the leaves. The control can be sprayed with 50% mancozeb 800 times, or 50% methyl topiramate 600 times, or 40% strychnine 500 times. Spraying once every 7-10 days for 2-3 times, the control effect is good. Insect pests are mainly harmed by aphids, which can be sprayed with 1500 times of dimethoate.

5. Harvest

Green amaranth is a leafy vegetable that is sown once and harvested many times in batches. Spring sowing green amaranth was harvested 40-50 days after sowing. The first harvest is picking, that is, pulling out some dense plants from time to time. After each harvest, the young stems and leaves can be cut with a knife. The base leaves a pile of about 5 cm for the next harvest. Spring sowing green amaranth is generally 10 cm high. When there are 5 leaves, the first harvest is carried out, and the second harvest is carried out after 20 leaves. When the lateral branches germinate and grow about 15 cm, the third harvest is carried out, and the total yield per mu is 1200-1500 kg. Autumn sowing green amaranth is harvested about 30 days after sowing, generally only 1 harvest twice, the yield per mu is about 1000 kg.

6. Leave a seed

The cultivation and management of green amaranth with remaining seeds is similar to that of common amaranth, except that part of the plants are pulled out at the time of harvest, the left plants keep the row spacing of 25 cm × 25 cm, and the seeds are not harvested. After flowering and seed ripening, the inflorescences are cut, dried and threshed, and stored. Amaranth sown in spring and autumn can be sown. The remaining seeds of spring sowing are sown in the first and middle of April, miscellaneous plants and inferior plants are picked for listing in the middle of May, bolting in the middle of June, flowering in the middle of July and seed maturity in the middle of August. Those sown in autumn are sown in early July and the seeds mature in October. About 70 kilograms of seeds can be harvested per mu.