
The habits of golden bergamot and the key points of planting on the ground

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The habits of golden bergamot and the key points of planting on the ground

citrus bergamot Gold bergamot is generally potted, small and exquisite, interesting. However, in order to meet the needs of the sales market (wide range of medicinal products, high prices), we can participate in the large-scale development of western planting. Now introduce a kind of cultivation method: ground planting. The yield of gold bergamot planted in the field is higher than that of potted plant, and it saves time and labor and saves cost. The biggest advantages of ground planting golden bergamot are: developed root system, strong tree body, multiple buds, high fruit setting rate, extremely large size (the largest single fruit reaches 5.2 jin), extremely high yield, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, excellent economic benefits, extensive cultivation techniques, low technical requirements and simple management. The lowest temperature of the whole year is 3℃ or the place where the four seasons are like spring, which is more suitable for the cultivation and development of golden finger citron. It is convenient for overwintering, does not need cold and frost resistance, saves labor and material, and saves cost. If the lowest temperature is lower than zero in winter, it is necessary to build a greenhouse for overwintering. The management of ground cultivated fingered citron is similar to potted plant, but special attention should be paid to the following aspects: (1) Geology and regional soil are the basic conditions for the growth of fingered citron. However, the golden bergamot potted plant needs to pay attention to sandy soil, while the golden bergamot cultivation has different requirements for soil quality, regardless of loess, black soil, sand, clay (infiltration improvement) can be planted. Of course, plots with sandy soils are better and yield more. Land planting area, generally in southern China and western parts of the most suitable, perennial temperature is not too low, conducive to the growth of gold bergamot. In addition, in the cold regions such as northeast China, there are greenhouses, and the temperature in the shed is not lower than 0 degrees. Cultivated land should be selected flat or gentle slope land, in line with the principle of intensification, full use of land, light energy, space, convenient management for comprehensive planning. The practice proves that the orchard suitable for the production and development of golden bergamot can be established only according to the living habits of golden bergamot and the requirements of environmental conditions, and at the same time, the subjective initiative of human beings must be fully exerted, based on the transformation of nature. The pH range of seedling soil: pH 5.5~7.5. Ferrous sulfate can be used to improve alkaline land, lime powder to improve acid land. (b) time of planting and seedlings The planting time is basically the same as that of gold fingered citron, which can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn. The saplings planted in the field are generally transferred from potted plants to field cultivation under the condition that the tree body is not strong, the root system is not developed, and the age is relatively long; secondly, in order to save labor and materials and save costs, the saplings planted in the field can be planted from one year old seedlings and cultivated from an early age. The latter is especially suitable for Jiangnan area and parts of western China. (From seedlings can start to cultivate, the benefits are more considerable) (3) Plant spacing The seedbed with the plant spacing of 1.2 m or 1.3 m in width can be planted according to the plant spacing of 100×100(cm) or 120×120 (cm)(as shown in Figure 7). It can also be planted with appropriate density when the seedlings are young. When the tree grows up, the seedlings can be inspected and transplanted. It can be controlled flexibly according to the tree conditions. Generally, 400 to 600 seedlings can be planted per mu. (4) Reasonable intercropping of golden finger citron garden can make full use of land and light energy, develop three-dimensional agriculture, increase orchard income, and achieve the goal of "raising trees by land, raising trees by short, and raising gardens by gardens". Especially in the young stage, the rows of golden citron orchard are large, the income of orchard is small, reasonable fruit grain, fruit medicine intercropping is the main source of improving the economic income of orchard in the early stage. Intercropping between rows in the garden is beneficial to ripening soil, increasing soil fertility, preventing weeds from growing, maintaining humidity and promoting the growth and development of golden finger citron.