
How to improve the method of feeding pigs in rural areas?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to improve the method of feeding pigs in rural areas?

How to improve pig feeding methods in rural areas?-------------------------------------- Fermentation bed pig 1, solved the problem of manure treatment, achieved "zero emissions"? There is no longer a need to clean up pig manure; There is no large amount of sewage formed by flushing rings; No waste is discharged from the pig farm, and the goal of zero emission of pigs is truly achieved. There will be no stink or flies in the pigsty; The problem of waste disposal, which has long plagued people in the past, has been solved. It not only improves the environment of pig farm itself, but also benefits the construction of new countryside. 2. Improve the growing environment of pigs. Fermentation bed combined with special pigsty, so that pigsty ventilation, sunshine, temperature and humidity are suitable for pig growth. Pigs raised in fermentation beds return to a "native" environment, restoring their nature and meeting animal welfare requirements. Good mood, naturally eat more, grow good, all fur bright, grow gratifying. Pigs can grow and develop healthily, and few pig diseases occur. Five animal welfare items 5F? First, provide animals with clean drinking water and food for health and energy, so that animals do not suffer from hunger and thirst. Second, provide suitable housing or habitat for animals to rest and sleep comfortably, so that animals do not suffer from fatigue and discomfort. Third, do a good job of epidemic prevention for animals, prevent diseases and give timely diagnosis and treatment to sick animals, so that animals do not suffer from pain and injury. Fourth, ensure that the animal has good conditions and handling (including the slaughter process), so that the animal does not suffer fear and mental pain. Fifth, provide enough space for animals, appropriate facilities and with similar animal partners, so that animals can freely express normal habits 3, improve the quality of meat rarely use antibiotics, no drug residues, improve the quality of pork, significantly improve meat color, significantly improve palatability 4, labor productivity greatly improved. Natural pig farming does not require water to flush the pigsty, and pig manure does not need to be removed every day. Pigs have high resistance and rarely get sick. Automatic feeding, automatic drinking water technology and many other advantages, to achieve the purpose of saving labor and cost. Since pigsty cleaning is eliminated, labor can be saved by more than 50%. A person can raise 800~1000 pigs and 100~200 sows. Overcome the adverse factors of cold in winter to pig breeding, improve the fattening speed in winter, save energy, improve efficiency. The average feeding period can be shortened by 10-15 days, and each pig can save about 50 jin of feed. Feed utilization rate is improved, generally about 10%. 6. The economic, social and ecological benefits of pigs are improved. Even if we do not consider the factors of manpower saving and high quality and good price, only veterinary drugs, water and electricity, feed saving, each pig can increase efficiency by 50-80 yuan. Social stability and harmony. Completely solved the problem of pig industry pollution to the ecological environment. 7. Turning waste into treasure? In the production of organic bedding fermentation needs sawdust, rice husk, peanut shell, corn stalk and other raw materials, through microbial fermentation, these ingredients can be turned into treasure. It provides a better solution for corn stalk and other crops. Note: bedding should be rice husk sawdust, other substitutes should not exceed 10%-------------------------------------- Therefore, rural pigs should pay attention to the following problems in feeding technology. Raw feed and cooked feed many pig households have the habit of feeding cooked food, think cooked feed pigs can eat more. In fact, this is a mistake. According to the experiment, different types of feed, raw feed and cooked feed are different, green, coarse feed type diet cooked feed is better than raw feed, and concentrate type diet, soybean seed cooked feed is better than raw feed. However, most concentrate types of diet, or raw feed is better than cooked feed, generally cooked concentrate will lose 5% to 10% of nutrients. The average daily gain of pigs fed raw was 10% higher than that fed cooked, and 0.2~ 0.3kg concentrate could be saved for every 1kg increase in gross weight. Of course, some toxic or easily contaminated feed, such as rapeseed cake, cottonseed cake, swill, etc., in order to detoxify or disinfect, or should be cooked before feeding. Thick-fed and thin-fed thin feed because of the water content, easy to lead to reduced secretion of digestive juice, accelerate gastric emptying, feed in the stomach residence time shortened, affecting nutrient absorption. Thick feeding, especially raw dry feeding and raw wet feeding, can strengthen the chewing function of pigs, promote the secretion of digestive juice, prolong the residence time of feed in the stomach and improve the digestibility of nutrients. Therefore advocate thick feed, dry feed mixed with water or dry feed mixed with green feed serous water dry and wet degree to pinch close, scattered open is appropriate. Small and multiple feeding suckling piglets have small stomach volume and weak digestion. From 7 days of age, they are mainly induced to eat, and the number of meals can be unlimited. Let them eat freely; From 20 days of age to weaning, they can feed 6~8 meals per day; The digestive function of weaning piglets is increasing day by day, and they can feed 4~6 meals per day; Sows with piglets and sows in late pregnancy need more nutrients, and they can feed 4 meals per day; Breeding pigs, large meat pigs, empty sows and boars can feed 3 meals per day. Summer weather is hot, day and night are short, pig activity time is also long, can add feed 1~2 times green feed as appropriate. Winter cold, short day and long night, can be fed early in the morning, late feed at night, properly open the interval between meals. And a meal at night to feed more thick some more. Feeding pigs regularly and quantitatively must develop good feeding habits and have a fixed time. Generally set at 6:00 in the morning, 12:00 noon, 6:00 in the evening is appropriate, different seasons can be adjusted appropriately. In doing a good job of feeding pigs regularly at the same time, but also to achieve feed ration. When the pig's approximate feed intake has been ascertained, an approximate feed intake should be established. Generally, after feeding for 1 hour, pigs do not lick the trough and no food remains in the trough.