
Raising chickens in fermentation bed-- A good project of raising chickens

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Raising chickens in fermentation bed-- A good project of raising chickens

(agricultural Wealth net) fermentation bed chicken farming-good project 1. Biological fermentation bed chicken farming principle in the nature where we live, there are many kinds of bacteria, which we call microbes. These microbes are both beneficial and harmful. Chicken Le probiotics is a mixed group of local microorganisms. Chicken Le probiotics has vitality, adaptability and strong decomposition ability. Then put this bacteria into the chicken house, through the activity of this bacteria to decompose chicken manure, to achieve the goal of no discharge and zero discharge of chicken manure. The digestive tract of the chicken is relatively short, and about 70% of the organic matter in the feces has not been decomposed. As a fecal treatment, it has high water content and high organic nutrients. If it is not decomposed in time, it will deteriorate and stink. After the chicken pulled out its feces, it was decomposed into bacterial protein by the probiotics of Chicken Le on the fermentation bed. Chickens can also eat these bacterial proteins to supplement nutrition. Reduce the amount of feed. Stench is generally produced in the henhouse, which is called ammonia. When the ammonia is heavy, it affects the health of chickens and induces respiratory diseases. If the respiratory tract is light, it will reduce its food intake and egg production, and if it is serious, it will die. At the same time, Chicken Le probiotics can also effectively deodorize, fully decompose feces and reduce the amount of ammonia in the chicken house. The henhouse will no longer produce an unpleasant smell. While the feces are decomposed, it can effectively prevent the transmission of parasites and reduce the incidence of chickens. Second, the construction of chicken sheds. 1. Chicken sheds are built according to their own breeding needs, generally requiring east-west direction, sitting north and facing south, with a ratio of length to width at 5:1. 2. Ventilation should be considered in the construction of chicken sheds, and fans or skylights should be installed. Adjust the indoor temperature and humidity to ensure that the temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees. 3. Production of fermentation bed for raising chickens the fermentation bed for raising chickens is generally about 40cm high, which is made of sawdust, rice husk, shavings, mushroom dregs, straw powder, leaves, wine dregs, peanut shell, corncob powder and other cushions (according to local conditions, try to choose the ingredients collected locally), then add bacterial liquid and ferment for about 5 days. Then spread hay such as straw or straw about 5 cm thick and place some plates or boxes filled with sand (about 3 mm in size) in several corners of the fermentation bed chicken house. You can put chickens in to raise the fourth part of the benefit analysis 1, reduce operating costs. 1. Save labor. There is no need to clean the chicken coop every day. 2. Save feed. Chicken feces will generally be decomposed by microorganisms in only three days on the fermentation bed. Feces provide rich nutrients to microorganisms, promote the continuous reproduction of beneficial bacteria and form bacterial proteins. Chickens eat these bacterial proteins not only to supplement nutrition, but also to improve immunity. In addition, due to the addition of chicken feed and drinking water, there are a large number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, and some cellulases and hemicellulases in these beneficial bacteria can decompose cellulose and hemicellulose in straw. by using this method, the proportion of roughage can be increased, the amount of concentrate can be reduced, and the feeding cost can be reduced. According to production practice, feed saving is generally about 20%. 3. Reduce the cost of medicine. Chickens live in fermentation beds, which make them healthier, less likely to get sick, and reduce medical costs. 4. After the mixed fermentation of bedding and chicken manure, it is directly turned into high-quality organic fertilizer. 5. It improves the quality of chicken and eggs and has more competitive advantage in the market. Matters needing attention [feeding] 1. Often drink 200 times the diluent of Chicken Le probiotics, and feed the feed fermented by Chicken Le probiotics, which can decompose the nutrients of the feed in advance. 2. The density of chicken stocking should be well mastered. After the density, there are too many feces per unit area, and the bacteria in the fermentation bed can not effectively decompose the feces, six to eight per square meter. 3. Chicken probiotics need a humid environment. Observe the humidity of the fermentation bed, you can spray 50 times chicken probiotics Erle diluent. The humidity is controlled at about 30%. Pay close attention to the activity of probiotics: if necessary, add 1:50 times of Chile probiotics liquid to regulate the activity of probiotics to ensure that the fermentation can be carried out normally. 5. Prohibition of chemical drugs: the use of chemicals and antibiotics is prohibited in the henhouse to prevent the killing and inhibition of probiotics and reduce the activity of probiotics. 6. Attention must be paid to ventilation. 7. Normal epidemic prevention. Fermentation bed Zero Emission Chicken Technology Promotion Center Tel: 027 tel: 83860672 63998087 15827102887 QQ: 563685283