
Who can introduce the technical points of raising sheep?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Who can introduce the technical points of raising sheep?

(agricultural get Rich Network) who can introduce the technical points of raising sheep? -- first, the popularization of artificial insemination can greatly improve the utilization rate of breeding sheep, reduce the number of breeding rams, and save the feeding cost and the purchase cost of fine breeding rams. Moreover, the price of good breeding ram is expensive, and at present, each ram is more than 10,000 yuan. If the breeding method is adopted, it is easy to lead to cross-infection and spread of some diseases, which makes the breeding ram lose its breeding ability and the basic ewe lose its breeding value. Second, after supplementary feeding of lambs and early weaning lambs up to a few weeks of age, ewe milk can no longer meet their nutritional needs, so it is necessary to train lambs to eat grass and feed early. Generally, the lambs were induced to eat at the age of 10 days, fed with 70g at the age of 15-30, 100g at the age of 60m and 200g at the age of 90d, so as to ensure the lamb to be strong and grow rapidly, laying a good foundation for early weaning and fattening in the later stage. Early weaning is carried out at the age of 100 days, not more than 4 months at the latest, which can shorten the lambing interval and increase the number of births in the useful life of ewes. Third, the forage grass fed to sheep after forage processing is often fed without any processing, for example, most corn stalks are fed with whole dry stalks, so the digestion and utilization rate after feeding is low, which not only results in a great waste of forage resources, but also the sheep grows slowly, the feeding cycle is long, and the fencing rate is low. Therefore, the feed processing techniques such as silage, ammoniation and fermentation should be widely popularized to improve the economic benefits of raising sheep. Fourth, facility breeding. In the past, farmers used to keep sheep tied by piles and raised in the open air, and the sheep were often strong in summer, fat in autumn, thin in winter and tired in spring. Therefore, if we want to increase the benefit of raising sheep, we should promote facility breeding and build sheep sheds or greenhouses with reasonable layout and structure. In this way, no matter in hot summer or cold winter, sheep have a comfortable living environment to promote their rapid growth and weight gain. The reasonable construction and layout of breeding facilities can greatly reduce the incidence of disease. Spending money on the construction of a sheep shed is more economical than spending money on medicine, not to mention that too much medicine will lead to drug residues. 5. Comprehensive prevention and control of diseases is a major threat to sheep production. We should focus on the prevention and vaccination of infectious diseases and adhere to the principle of giving priority to prevention. Regularly dispel the parasites inside and outside the sheep, pay attention to the sanitary disinfection of the enclosure, and often observe whether the spirit, diet and feces of the sheep are normal in the daily management, so as to achieve early prevention, early detection and early treatment. -to produce fine hybrid lambs and fattening commercial mutton sheep. Hybrid sheep not only grow fast, but also have high feed reward, good meat quality, fresh and tender, high price and good economic benefit.