
Effect of potassium deficiency on rape

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Effect of potassium deficiency on rape

When rape is deficient in potassium, it causes metabolic disorder and abnormal photosynthesis and respiration. Potassium is highly mobile in the plant, so potassium deficiency first occurs in the lowest leaves. When potassium-deficient seedlings have 3 to 4 true leaves, some of the leaves and petioles are purple. Scorched edges and light brown spots can be seen on the leaf edge, and the mesophyll tissue is obviously scalded. When the plant was obviously deficient in potassium, the leaf cells lost turgor and withered. The stem showed brown stripes, and when the disease spots were connected, the stem withered and broke, resulting in abnormal budding and flowering. Under severe potassium deficiency, leaf emergence was slow, each growth stage was delayed, root system was weak, rapeseed yield and oil content decreased obviously.